:: 18 months ::

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

 I'm not doing monthly pics anymore of our not-so-little Charlie, but I do want to document milestones such as 18 months (on Jan 2nd) and then again when he turns two in six more months (**cue waterworks**) He has grown SO much the past six months. It's unbelievable. He is still the sweetest, most laid back baby and so, so happy. Spoiled slap rotten too. Here's what he's been up to...

weight: 31.5 pounds // height: 34 inches tall 
(legit, almost 3 ft tall!!!)
shoe size: 6-6.5 // clothes: 24month-2T // sleepers: 2T-3T // diapers: size 6

He's a BEAST. Seriously. So big!

>> Favorite foods: Milk! Especially chocolate milk, but we do limit that like whoah and he drinks 2% regular milk. Fruit loops are a big fav and toaster strudels, bananas, and Ritz crackers. Really anything. He literally eats anything and everything! Veggies, meat, Little Debbie cakes...I mean let's be serious...anything...

>> He loves to be mischevious and is so animated with his facial expressions. He will let you know exactly when he's up to something (see next pic...and excuse the dirty little shoes that were Cade's handmedowns because hellooo he wears them ALL. PTL!) 

>> He sleeps from about 9:30 - 10pm (sometimes later, sometimes earlier) to about 7:30-9ish in morning. A good sleeper...wheeen we can get him to sleep finally. He still loves to be rocked and I don't mind it a bit...

>> He can also feed himself with a spoon pretty well too!

>> Favorite thing to do: take a bath. This baby LOVES water

>> Favorite show: still hands down Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and he's even learned to say "Mee - Mee" when you see Mickey on TV

>> The sweetest part of my day is walking in the back door and seeing him run around the corner of that couch as fast as he can yelling "MAAAAMAAAA!!!" He does it to Chad and Cade too. THE. SWEETEST. 

>> As for other words, he can say "ball", "Bubba" (for Cade), "ma-ma", "da-da", "awww man", "Uh oh", "gone gone", "bye", "OFF!" (because he never likes socks, shoes or clothes for that matter and always wants them OFF!". "Mac Mac" (for cousin Maddox) and "Jack Jack" (for Jackson) and "Mae-Mae" (for Macy). We are working on cousin Carter. He also said Papa and Mimi this past week! His vocabulary has definitely taken off just in the past week I swear. It's like all of the sudden he started talking

the looks this kid can give...

>> Favorite song: Panda by Designer. Not even joking. (Parents of the year here, I know...) He does the sound effect and can find it somehow on either of mine and chad's songs, whether on YouTube or Spotify and we have no idea how. It's unreal. The kid seeks it out, I swear. He does love to dance too! 

>> You can ask him "Charlie who you love?" and he says "MA-MA!" He also loves to give kisses if you ask and is just the most loving baby. He will prop up in the rocker with you and watch TV for hours. So content! 

>> Favorite toys: any trucks or trains or anything his older brother is playing with! He does LOVE a cell phone. He's ridiculous on an iPad or iPhone.

Finally I give you the grin that melts this mama's heart into the biggest puddle. Y'all. I can not even deal. This. is. my. baby.

Jack Charles, I hope you ALWAYS know how much not only mama & daddy love you, but how much your big brother Cade absolutely adores you!!! 

Here's to a fun year!

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