ooooooh we're halfway there...

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Since I haven't been doing good with weekly bump pics at all this go round, here's a quick catch up so I can somewhat document. Second child probs, I know. Poor thing.

Granted the 12 week pic was right after I had the stomach bug at New Years, but around 16-17 weeks I just popped big time. It was crazy. 
Ignore the clearly messy mirror and no I never like showing my bare belly but I figured might as well, bc I'm most certain it's my last pregnancy and also I'm most certain it will never be like that again. This big boy is going to do me in, I just have a feeling! Read on...
and now 20 weeks HALFWAY THERE!

and just in case that pic deceives you, oh can definitely tell from this pic...
he's out there! 

Just for kicks, this was me 20 weeks with Cade.

I really do feel like this pregnancy is flying by, but I also really do wish my doctor had moved my due date up to make it pass by even quicker! As of my appointment/ultrasound last Thursday I was 19w1d and baby boy measured 20w6d, almost a full two weeks ahead. Cade did the same thing towards the end of my pregnancy, but I don't think this early. Anyhoo, the doctor will not change - due date remains same and I'm still here at 20 weeks. Dr. said the baby will probably just be a big baby (like his brother!), is in 74th percentile already and for that I can't be anything but thankful. Cade was 8'9 and no, that's not too terribly big at all. Trust me I know it could be worse, but 10 lb babies do run in our family so I'm just hoping this little one doesn't get toooooo competitive and try to beat out his older brother in weight. We shall see...

How Far Along: 20 weeks as of yesterday! Woohoo!

Size of baby: size of a mango

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 6 pounds

Maternity Clothes: Yeah I've pretty much ditched the regular jeans + belly band or rubberband trick this week. Getting a tad too snug (being sarcastic. they're real snug!). Maternity jeans and leggings from here on out, until I can just wear Spring and Summer dresses and maybe get a few maternity shorts to last me through til the end. So ready to just be able to throw on a dress and go. It has been TOO cold. Over all these layers and basically have been wearing the same thing over and over! 

Gender:  sweet baby BOY!!

Movement: YES! Lots and lots. Not necessarily every day or all day, but boy when he does you can definitely feel it. He woke me up kicking at 5:30am the other morning. 

What I miss: well with the whole moving thing, I missed 1. having more energy/stamina to last all day and get a lot done. 2. not being able to lift sucked. I felt helpless and that was hard for this "Oh I can do it myself" girl. Thankful to have had a lot of help!!!! Just know I can't do what I use to (for now) so getting settled may take us longer and hey, that's ok. 

Cravings: Mexican, sandwiches (McAlisters clubs, Jimmy Johns, Grouchos (which we only have in Greenville 45 min away so that's no fun), salads, ice cream, and Starbucks Bacon Gouda sandwiches for breakfast with a tall white chocolate mocha. Ummm I may or may not have that three times a week! WHY must I crave the most expensive crap???

Symptons: Along with being pretty darn tired, this big boy has been on my nerve. Literally. I have NEVER experienced sciatic nerve pain but oh. my. word. I found out real quick what it was. It has been bothering me for nearly two weeks now and sometimes nearly brings me to my knees. I talked to my doctor, he said uhhh it's a little early to be experiencing sciatic paint but it probably has a lot to do with me being on my feet too much (probably over-doing it with the move and all) lately. I've been trying to take it easy, honestly I have, because I'll do ANYTHING not to experience this pain. He also said it's just the way some babies lay. Each pregnancy is different. Some days it's constant and only ceases with Tylonal. Any mamas out there who have remedies for this, please help me out!

Best Moment this week: seeing our sweet boy again and having the anatomy scan ultrasound to make sure everything was ok. Everything looked GREAT and we could not be more thankful. Also, I think we've finalized a name which I will share next :) Soooo relieved he is healthy and growing just perfect. Cade will lift my shirt, kiss my belly, and talk to him all the time. We love this little fella so much already!!!!!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. 1. if i'm ever pregnant, I hope I look like you. no joke.
    2. I noticed that at 20 weeks with baby cade, we went to see The Help. we need to see a movie with baby #2 to celebrate HIS 20 weeks. let's do it!!!!!


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