What's in a name?

Friday, February 20, 2015

After much thought, going back and forth with many names, and lots of second guessing, we have finally decided the perfect name for our new little guy will be...

Jack Charles McClain

and we will call him

Cursive Fonts
We are all about family names around here. 

Jack is Chad's maternal grandfather's name. Papa Jack. The only "papa" either of us have now. One of the sweetest, God-loving men you will ever meet. Also having his namesake are his granddaughter Jackie and great-grandson Jackson. So special.

Charles is my dad's name and as most all of you know, he passed away from a sudden heart attack a month before Chad and I married. I knew that our first son would be named after Chad (Cade is "Joshua Cade", Chad is "Joshua Chad", his dad "Joshua Douglas" (goes by Josh) and his dad, Chad's other granddad was "Joshua Douglas" and went by Doug). It just made sense to use Joshua first and keep it in the McClain bloodline, since we didn't know if we'd have the chance to have another son. 

However, I knew 100% if we did have another boy he would for certain be named after my dad, whose name was Charles Wendell Hall, Jr. So essentially the child would be named after my Papa Hall too (Charles Wendell Hall, Sr.), who we took care of the last few years of his life after my dad passed, he lived next door to us, and we were extremely close. My papa went by Wendell and my dad went by Charles or Charlie.

I always thought since we did Joshua Cade, we would do Charles (or Charlie) _______ (something) and call this baby by his middle name as well. I loved Charlie Boone, Charles Wynn, all sorts of fun, more modern names. We thought we wanted a strong, one-syllable name, but every time we passed some by friends and family, it just never stuck. Especially with Cade. From the very beginning when you asked Cade what we should name his brother (well, besides the times he said Jason Aldean. Not even joking) he would say "Charlie". 

I'll be honest, never have I EVER thought I would have a child named "Charlie". I loved my dad's name, yes, but my mom's boyfriend has a son named Charlie, we have a few friends in our circle with girls even named "Charlee" and honestly the thought never crossed my mind. Again, I was thinking "Charles _____?" . But then it just kept getting brought up time and time again. Little signs everywhere. It was as if my dad was telling us "umm, you better use my name" HA! No seriously though, we started throwing the name around and calling the baby "Charlie" just on an everyday basis and I must say, it has definitely grown on us. When you hear Cade said "Chaaaaarlie" in that long, super Southern drawl of his , you really can''t help but to have your heart melted and absolutely fall in love with it.

The last kicker as to why we chose to do Jack Charles McClain instead of just Charlie something, is to keep the same initials. Now I can assure you I would never name both boys with the same initials just for the mere purpose of keeping the same monogrammed clothing, bedding, etc...I just never thought in a million years I'd have two with the same. Yet, as the name became "Charlie" and we thought about a full name it seemed so special to have all THREE boys (Joshua Chad McClain, Joshua Cade McClain, and Jack Charles McClain) to have the same initials - JCM. (My sister and one of my friends actually both text me within two weeks of each other saying "I've got a name! Jack Charles. So maybe I should credit them. Thanks guys :) Now I don't have to change or add my beloved gold bar JCM Stella & Dot necklace I love so much. HA! One of my besties has two boys and all, including her husband, have the same initials. It's just kind of a cool, special little bond. Our black lab is named Cash, I told Chad we will throw him in a first name and heck let him have same initials too. 

What am I going to do with all these "C" names? I will admit, re-using monograms does get me excited...if they will end up working (Charlie will be born an entirely different season). At least everything I monogram now for Cade, I won't feel so guilty because it will be used TWICE. Who wouldn't be excited about re-using all that money spent??? YES. So Charlie it is!

Cade and Charlie. 

It fits. My sister and I even joked while we were at market that it sounds like a little boy's clothing line. Hey, you never know! All I know for certain for now is that one day when we look back, we won't be able to imagine life (or his name) any other way. 

photo from my 19 week anatomy scan last Thursday. In love.
So excited to meet you, our sweet Charlie!


  1. It's perfect and SO SO special!! Exactly how I was with the name Thomas.

    1. thank you thank you! Yes, I love it when names are such special family names. Can't wait!

  2. What a great name! I love strong southern names that have meaning behind them!!

    1. thank you, you're too sweet and yes I totally agree. So excited!


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