family fun day 2014

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

I love traditions and knew when Cade was born I wanted to start something fun and new for our little family to do at Christmas, because let's face it...making memories and spending time with one another is much more better than anything money could buy. So in this wise mama's effort to lighten her load and make the hubs do some Christmas shopping, I had the idea to go to Bass Pro Shop for the day. I knew they had a great Santa since we use to go to the mountains with friends years ago and took their kids. Bass Pro's (FREE!) Santa's Wonderland hasn't failed us yet. I know once he gets older, it may be boring but for now it is absolutely perfect for his age. You can see our trips the past two years here and here

This year, we actually made it a family + friends fun day. Chad's best friend Casey, son Troy, and gf Kenzie came along for the ride! Crazy how four adults can all get a random Tuesday off but if you knew our crazy jobs (3 out of 4 self employed or in sales) you'd understand how. 

Bass Pro Atlanta is connected to this mall that has a food court and a train. Usually we stop by the Mall of Georgia to eat, shop a little and let Cade ride the {highly amusing to him} mall Christmas train so we were glad to see one in the other mall too. Cheap thrills, I tell ya. 

After a quick lunch we headed into Bass Pro and first thing first, the boys FOUND (and proceeded to sit on) every single 4-wheeler, Bad Boy, boat, etc... in that place. Also, they would. not. leave to do anything else. I imagine this is what it is like for those who have girls in the babydoll section? I mean, the struggle is real...(except babydolls don't cost $5,499 dollars!!!! Lord help us)

We finally walked over to the little Santa's Wonderland part and they rode the carousel...

tried to shoot ducks with the bow...

watched the trains go round and round...

and finally it was time to see Santa (again, free pic...every 30 minutes. So easy)

Believe it or not, our consistent Cade had the same exact pose for his third year in a row...

He's either in a state of shock or not amused. They had deep conversations...

Then it was back to shooting guns. Pretty sure that's what he asked him for even though earlier that day when I asked him, he replied "NOT NUFFIN!" I said "You're not going to ask Santa for anything? Nothing?" He threw out his arms in disgust and said "NO! I got FINE toys!" 
I'm thinking ok buddy, I hope you remember all this come December 25th...

Guns, trains, 4-wheelers, trucks, cross bows, tractors...
such is life with boys. It's amazing how much more I've grown to love all of these things, plus camo over the past few years!

and fish...and deer...and everything else my "two men" love. 

But I do not, however, love camo enough to go home with this recliner Cade fell in love with. Ummm, could you see this in the new house? Chad was trying to figure out how to get it home. 

Those two tired boys slept almost the entire way home until we stopped for Mexican. It was definitely a fun day and even though we aren't sure if daddy even purchased a single Christmas gift (or if that buggy full was secretly all for him) we know we had a good time exploring Santa's (and an outdoorsman's) Wonderland and taking it all in! 

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