What we've been up to.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Yep, this pretty much sums it up. 

The dreaded stomach virus of 2012. We all had a great time in Boone this past weekend...until we all got sick. By "all" I mean yes, ALL 8 of us! It started with some on Saturday and while Chad and I feel much better than we did yesterday, we still don't have much of an appetite, feel dizzy/weak,  and have been on the couch and recliner all day. 

Cade is staying with my mom again tonight and oh my word, do we miss that boy! I'm just so thankful he hasn't gotten it. Hope to get my strength back, disinfect this entire house from top to bottom, then go get him in the morning. 

Will try to get back to posting - I had a mother's day post I didn't even get to post Sunday. Also please say a prayer for my mother in law who had major back surgery today. She is doing well {she was the only one spared out of the family, along with Cade, from the stomach virus. Thank the Lord because this surgery has been planned for months!} but of course, she is in a lot of pain. It will take months for her recover and we know she has a long road ahead but it will ALL be worth it. Appreciate the prayers for a speedy recovery. 

Hope everyone is having a great week and FYI: wash your hands like crazy and be extra careful because this virus is running ramped in our hometown and I sure wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy... if I had one. 

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