Mother's Day post...2 days late!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

I had this scheduled to post on Sunday. Major fail. 
See previous post to find out why.

One of my favorite pictures of my mom and I.
My best friend, my rock, my world. 
Seriously don't know what I would do without this woman.

My sister, mom and I have been through so much together. A lot more in the past few years than some people experience in a lifetime. When we say she is our everything, we really do mean it! 

Now she is the best Grami to her first grandchild, Cade. 
He has made her SO happy, if you can't tell from this picture!

This picture was taken last Sunday on her front porch. Little windblown but I love it.

The past couple months have been rough but one thing for sure, Cade has been our "little bundle of joy" and continues to bring so much happiness to our lives, through it all!

Lazy Sunday afternoons with Grami. Sweetest thing ever!

and finally this was mama holding Cade last Sunday and then on the right is a picture of her holding me 28 years ago. My how the years fly by. She didn't know what she would do with a little boy, after having two girls, but she learned super quick and wouldn't have it any other way. She is head over heels for this little guy and you can definitely tell he feels the same way about her!

Another woman Cade is absolutely smitten with is his "Mimi", Chad's mom.
This is her 4th grandson and boy does he just fit right in. You can already tell he can't wait to be big enough to run with the big boys, his big cousins. They are all going to be a handful and probably give Mimi a few more gray hairs but I know she wouldn't have it any other way. They are all SO sweet and love their Mimi that is for sure. We are BLESSED to have her!

Told you this little fella loves his Mimi. Priceless.

Cade is also blessed to have two wonderful great-grandmothers. I miss my grandmothers more than anything but Chad's grandmothers have been such a blessing in my life and taken me in as one of their own. They are just precious and I'm thrilled that Cade gets to know them and spend precious moments with them.

To our mothers and grandmothers, we thank you for ALL you do and wish you a very happy mother's day. To all the moms out there, whew I now have a new found respect for you. It really is the hardest job you'll ever do and as cliche as this is, I now know it's the most rewarding. This time last year my heart ached for a child more than anything else in this world. One year later, Cade is the answer to my tearful prayers. I thank God everyday for blessing me and choosing me to be HIS mommy. 
It has truly been a gift and God is so incredibly good.

Hope you all have a wonderful mother's day. 
You deserve it! 

1 comment:

  1. That is so sweet! I wish I had that kind of relationship with my mom. I hope to have that type of relationship with Harper one day!


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