
Thursday, May 10, 2012

It's t-ball season again and we took Cade to watch his cousins Jackson & Maddox and buddies Logan & Reed on the field! Their teams were playing each other.

Cade just enjoyed hanging out with his great-grandma and Mimi
My oh my would you look at those CHEEKS!
Somebody is smitten with their Mimi!

 Maddox [#2] said "Did you see that? I hit a hooooooome ruuuuuuuun!" Ha! 
Cade enjoyed watching the "big boys". Ready for more games!

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait until Harper plays baseball. I was a softball player my entire life. I already bring him out back and have him practice his swing on a tee.

    Head on over to the blog! I think you could really use my giveaway for marketing for Sugar! :)


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