prayer request Monday.

Monday, February 26, 2018

Today we wore our new pink shirts in honor of a dear friend/customer , Wanda Witt, who is going through her second round of chemo today. She was diagnosed with breast cancer in December and had a terrible reaction after her first round last month, so prayers are certainly appreciated that her second will go much better! Her daughter, Jamey, has been a friend of mine for YEARS and was actually our store manager at Sugar before she had her twins. They are like family to me and I am still in shock that Wanda has to go through this. It hurts my heart so bad and I hate it worse that she's been feeling so bad!!!! 

We also have another customer, Lauren Austin, and a high school friend of mine, Jane Marie Lollis, (both 35 and 28!!! Y'all! YOUNG!!!) going through chemo right now for breast cancer. It is real and it is scary. There's so much more I want to do for them, but we can start by PRAYER.

Thank you in advance and also, whisper a prayer for my mother in law who had a heart cath on Friday and they found TWO 90% blockages and inserted two stints. This is a blessing (most of you know my dad died of a massive heart attack at 53).... and so far she's instantly doing better , just needing to recover. 

My friend Kenzie, who we were with all weekend, also flew to her home in Oklahoma this morning for her grandmother's funeral. 

A lot of sadness today but HE IS GOOD all the time and all the time He is good!!!!!!! Again, thank you for the prayers.


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