2018 goals.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

This past weekend I finished reading Emily Ley's "A Simplified Life" , which provides sooo much motivation and helpful tips for anyone kicking off the new year with organization goals + a mindset to SIMPLIFY. One thing I'm truly trying to focus on this year. I also tried to sit down and think about what I wanted to accomplish this year and/or change. It helps me to have goals, an overall vision, and then get to tackling...

Maybe I'll even refer back to this at the end of the year and check off the list / show progress. Let's hope. Here they are in no particular order...


1.  I have absolutely got to eat better. Exercise is a plus too, but cutting out so much sugar + fast foods + carbs is a must. (I mean, over the holidays here at Sugar we were eating CFA every single day, it was awful. Well, not awful because we love CFA, but you know what I mean...) Chad and I are definitely looking to start some sort of "lifestyle change" (let's not call is diet) soon. Soon as in like, AFTER my birthday this month because what's the point of before? ;)

2. Really have set a personal goal of trying to get back in a bikini (which I haven't been in since I had Cade 5 years ago...) before our 10 year anniversary in August. Ummm, lots of work to do.

3. Drink more water (doesn't everyone say this?) But really I do need to. Going to try to add lemons to my water in the morning too.

4. Continue to invest in skincare and cut out as much dairy as possible to help with acne

5. Stop spending so much. seriously. just random little purchases add up and I really want to go on a spending FREEZE (again, after my bday helloooo) and only buy necessary! I'd rather save up for vacations, investments, etc...


1. Plan a fabulous 10 year celebration at Sugar in April!

2. We want to design new bags, design new t-shirts as free gifts for the event, seriously go all out.

3. Pay off my business loan before my 10 year celebration in April. This is HUGE and I am so, so excited to be D-O-N-E.


4. Take a special 10 year anniversary trip. Woohoooooo! We soooo need just a trip , we are soooo excited about this.

5. Plan another big trip like we did this past year in between Black Friday and our busy Christmas season, sort of like a Christmas gift to the kids that's not monetary and makes priceless memories.

6. Plan more fun kid-free couples trips since we haven't had one in forever.

7. Spend more PHONE FREE time with the boys! I really did spend a lot of 2017 soaking in regular ol' fun with the boys, but there's always more times I could put the darn things away. I'd love to do more "traditions" like our movie nights on Friday nights or pancakes on Saturday mornings...the little things they'll look back on and hopefully always remember.

8. Record more videos and create more family videos with GoPro, etc... Cade loves it and here lately I find myself having more pics than videos (our mom and dads took TONS of videos when we were little) and I definitely want videos for them to look back on! (but refer back to #7 because I do think not everything needs to be recorded and being device free at times is a must)

9. Blog more!

10. Go to more fun concerts with Chad and friends because that is my jam. It makes me happy, we all love music and all have so much fun together! Excited we have one coming up just next week to kick off the year....


5. Finish our laundry room / finally do the laundry room remodel and have fully organized

6. Purchase a new sofa (to replace our sectional we have had for 10 YEARS!!!!) + redecorate our living room .

7. Clean out/ organize our attic because it's never completely organized, I swear. Purge, purge, purge. I definitely need to sell a lot of Charlie's clothes he has outgrown and donate, etc....

So yes, A LOT but we've got 12 months to accomplish and most things are just little things we can do everyday. I'm beyond excited about this year, it's milestones and what it has in store. Here's to making it a great one!


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