// five on friday //

Friday, July 14, 2017

// one // 

Kicking off this Friday with a HUGE praise report! If you remember back in March, I posted HERE about one of my dear friends starting chemo to treat her {newly discovered} breast cancer. It all happened so fast. She went through four big chemo treatments, once a month, throughout March, April, May and June. At the end of June the doctor's said they believed they had treated it well enough to schedule surgery for a complete double mastectomy and a new set of ta-tas. 

The surgery was this past Wednesday and we are all shouting from the rooftops that the doctors came back and said she is CANCER FREE!!!!!!! The most wonderful news, I tell ya. God is so good. 

We've been "Team Reagan" for months, wore our bracelets to #rallyforreagan and we knew that she would kick cancer's boo-tay. 

Well, she sure did kick it's booty and she did it with such style, grace, class, and JOYFUL SPIRIT. It's as if the Lord just covered her, poured into her and with every testimony or updated she posted on Facebook or told others in person, you could just see His spirit seeping out. She is seriously one of the strongest, most optimistic, joyful, and determined women I know. We all said in the beginning, I mean it's Reagan...there's no doubt she's going to get through this...and not in a sluggish "woe is me" way, ohhhh no....but in a "I'm going to plow through this leaping, sprinting and dancing"and "LOOK AT WHAT MY GOD CAN DO!" way. 

I mean seriously. How gorgeous does she look even when going through that absolutely horrible chemo. Her hair may be gone, but her skin is still glowing and I can promise you it's partly because of her spirit and the JOY that shines from the inside out! She really is such a beautiful friend, inside and out and we are all SO SO THANKFUL for God's blessings and faithfulness this week.

Reagan with her oh-so-cute fam after surgery on Wednesday...

"God is within her, she will not fall" - Psalm 46:5

Now that we've kicked off with the BEST news of the week (really, the year! or ever!) here's a bit of what we've been up to this week...

// two // 

Cade enjoyed a fishing trip with his daddy Wednesday evening and I must say, the kid absolutely loves to fish. He came home and said "Mama, I had a BLAST!" Music to this mama's ears. 

No expensive amusement park tickets. No pricey toys or video games. Just good ol' fishing rod and minnow bait to catch a few fish on the lake and quality time with his daddy. That's what it's all about! He's so proud. I foresee many more fishing trips in the future...

He also got a fresh haircut on Tuesday that I must note and he looks so handsome. He's holding my new Amika Shampoo, which I'm obsessed with and will have more on that later! 

// three // 

Also on Wednesday I headed to Greenville to order Southern Tide Spring 2018 for the store. I can't believe it's time to order Spring! At least when you order this early, Spring and Summer is fresh on your mind so you can kinda remember what has sold well and what hasn't. Spring REALLY looks great and I have absolutely loved my Southern Tide Caroline Shorts this Summer! They're the best.

I met Beth at Larkin's on the River for lunch (since she works right there downtown too) and it was so good. A beautiful (hot!) Summer day...

and y'all, this desert sampler was out of this world. Peach cheesecake + molten lava chocolate cake + vanilla ice cream + creme brulee bites + fresh fruit. Heaven.

// four // 

Summer kitchen vibes brought to you by World Market, Anthropologie, TJ Maxx and more. I just love this new little glass sign I snagged at World Market and a new Anthro dish towel always makes me happy. It's the little things. 

// five // 

I couldn't NOT post an update on our sweet Charlie and his broken collar bone. This was a pic from our trip to the doctor last week. He is such a HOOT! Such personality. He is using his arm so much more now and while he will still point to his collar bone and kinda make a face as if it hurts, I feel sure it is healing just fine and FAST. Thanks for all the prayers and we will go back on the 28th for a check-up and X-ray. 

Have a great weekend!!

1 comment:

  1. So amazing about your friend kicking cancer's butt! Such a great, uplifting way to start the weekend :)


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