// five on friday //

Friday, April 28, 2017

// one // 

I've yet to get our Charleston post up, but I'm going to do that tomorrow so check back. We had SUCH a great time, even if it were just two days or so. We packed in a lot! So gorgeous. So fun.

// two // 

One of my favorite new arrivals at Sugar this past week is this "I'm Winging It" Tee. I mean, can I get an amen mamas? $23 and insanely soft and comfy. Click HERE to purchase because I just restocked. Yep, already flying out. (So glad I'm not alone in this "winging it type of mama" department! HA) 

// three // 

Looking back on pics of our deck from the Summer we moved in, two years ago, and can't wait to share how different everything looks now. Some things we've kept the same but we've been working on hella landscaping and it's great to see it finally coming to fruition!

// four // 

Warmer weather means flip flops and sandals for my boys. Picked these up over the past two weeks! Cade has always loved Reefs and well, the SunSandals I've purchased for Cade I will have Charlie wearing too, but he did get his own new pair of the tan color (which I love). Then I can even pass on down to my niece Macy. Love that they're gender neutral!! If you're going to invest, then invest in them because you can easily use them for multiple children and they hold up well too.

Reef Classic Flip Flop for Cade and SunSandals for Charlie

// five // 

SALE ALERT. Sugarbit has all boys apparel 20% OFF, including Prodoh (my favorite from right here in Greenville, SC! We just got the blue swim trunks with green fish). Use promo code: BOYS



  1. yah! charleston is one of my favorite cities! im glad you had a good time. xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  2. We've heard such great things about Charleston, and we have friends we could visit. Can't wait to read about your weekend, I hear there's lots to do! Love the swim trunks, too!

    1. Just posted all about it! Oh my word, we had so much fun and the food alone is worth the trip. Divine! You definitely need to visit soon. xoxo

  3. thanks for the sale love friend!!!

    1. of course! love a good sale and loved my things I got from you a few weeks ago. Can not wait for my niece to wear that precious romper when we go to the strawberry patch!!! Obsessed. xoxo


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