:: halloween ::

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

I can NOT believe it's November 2nd. Yesterday I scooted down to market for the immediate show and it was such a crazy day. Just now comprehending that November has begun, it's jam packed with fun events and hopefully I will get a NIECE at the end of the month. So exciting!!!

Halloween was fun this year and easy. I was going to put Charlie in a dalmation costume since Cade wanted to be a firefighter, but cue 85 degree temps + a $50 price tag on the dalmation costume and I thought otherwise. Pulled out this trusty ol' golfer costume that my twin nephews wore SIX years ago, then my other nephew Carter, then Cade two years ago. Yep, my sis-in-law had two costumes and so graciously let us use so I'd say she got her money's worth. 


Here's Cade at 20 months & Charlie at 15 months! 

golfers, ninjas, fire chiefs, and baby bellies :)


lots of trick or treaters at Mimi & Papas. The best pic we could get with this wild crew!

the littlest, Charlie & Blain really loved Halloween this year since they knew what was going on and were aaaall about the candy!

always babies on our hips (and we promise they DO smile!) 

Charlie & Blain are seven weeks apart. Cade & Hayden are about a year apart.
Thankful for sweet family that makes Halloween more fun.
We loved all of our stops and had a great time!

Until next year...

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