{f}all around our home sweet home.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Just a few snapshots I took the weekend after my sister's baby shower when I finally got out a little Fall/Halloween decor. Last year I didn't do much at all with three month old and still settling in the new house. Don't get tooo excited, because this year's not much either but here's what we like to add to make it {finally} feel like Fall around here...

Fresh flowers &  mason jars leftover from the baby shower + mini pumpkins from Bi-Lo + one of my favorite items in our kitchen: my Granny Young's handwritten pecan pie recipe that my mom framed and gave to me at a bridal shower!

Aaaall the candy corn. This was gone in a week   a day if we're being honest.

used items I had to fluff up around the clock on the entertainment center...

Then I took a few pics inside I came outside and wanted to compare to pics taken at the beginning of Summer HERE. We didn't plant these knock out roses until a little later, but they have grown so fast and so have these begonias. 

Just for kicks, go back and check out the lemongrass on either side of the doors in that May blog post. This is how they look AFTER they've been cut down...twice! I've already made a note to plant them in much bigger pots next year...

the front porch I just threw out some mums and pumkins and kept our current flowers and ferns because hello it's still 85 degrees here!

Back inside we go. Found this old box at my dad's shop before we sold it and it was just another "treasure" I wanted to keep yet Chad thought we could throw it away. Aren't you glad I'm a hoarder? I filled it with a mason jar and flowers from Hobby Lobby, along with some gold pumpkins and leaves I already had. Keep in mind that with a four year old and a toddler, this is about as much as this tired mama can do for a dining room "tablescape". Yep, easy enough.

Cade had fun helping me line up the pumpkins on the kitchen mantle (aka "a little more to the right mama. no, to the left!" ) Fake pumpkins I got at Hob Lob or somewhere years ago and wrote BOO with a black permanent marker. I remember using them on our mantle in the sunroom of our last house and I always loved em'. 

This little guy was a new addition that I scored on the 80% OFF clearance aisle of Hobby Lobby after Halloween last year. Y'all. That is when I shop. I will rarely buy anything "new" until after the holiday has already passed, then I grab it at major discount and pack it away until the next year! I had so much I purchased and had forgot about so it made it even more fun to pull the Fall/Halloween boxes out of the attic this year. There was so much I purchased for Sugar's windows. I need to post pics of those soon!

so BOO and happy HALLOWEEN to YOU!

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