new show to love!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Did anyone catch the new show on HGTV called "Move In Ready" on HGTV this past Saturday? I've followed interior designer/realtor Krystine Edwards on Instagram for a while now (@krystine_edwards) so I made sure to record and watch later this weekend. It's basically like Fixer Upper only in a place we know and love, Charleston! 

So like I said Krystine is in real estate, an amazing designer and her husband is a contractor. You put those three things together and you've got a dynamic duo. She designs, he remodels and rebuilds, then she sells. Done. 

I was immediately drawn to her style, as I feel it's very attainable and this is one of my favorite kitchens she's done. I went back and forth as to do all gray cabinets or do dark lowers and white uppers. I love our gray but my heart still pitter patters when I see dark lowers and white uppers. Plus the herringbone subway tile is amaze, as is the milk glass globe light fixtures from West Elm, which we have in Cade's room. I love it ALL!

Fun right? Yet clean, crisp and modern. It's my fav.

Be sure to catch their show at 12 noon on Saturdays, HGTV if you're a "Fixer Upper-a-holic" like me!


  1. i've got to check this show out! setting up the DVR now!

  2. I tired to find it but can't:(


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