
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

I've been a terrible blogger. 

A semi-good mom and wife, questionable business owner, probably crappy friend. 

Seriously. Slacking. 

I feel like I haven't had time to come up for air but now that working six days a week, trunk shows, fashion shows, and birthdays at work are behind us I can now focus 1. more on QT with these sweet thangs and 2. focus on fun upcoming parties, showers, vacays and more with friends and family! Summer is my favorite time of the year and I am sooooo excited that in about 4-6 weeks I will have more help at the store and also get a much needed vacation. My motto has always been "work hard. play hard"and that's just what I intend to do. 

So in efforts of catching up here on the ol' blog, here's an iPhone/Insta load and then I hope I can resume back to normal and document some pretty awesome stuff .... aka: more of my boys' everyday lives. After all, that's what this blog is all about! 

1. We managed to squeeze in a quick trip to the circus a few Sundays ago! When working six days a week, Sundays are MY DAY. I love love love waking up a bit later and actually sitting down to have cinnamon rolls + coffee + snuggle time before church. After church we usually eat quick lunch and outside we go or off to do something fun, like the circus. I try to soak in as much time as I can and with the time change we definitely squeeze in fun during every last minute of daylight.

2. my brother came up from USC Aiken to visit and brought his precious girlfriend. She was SO great with the boys and we grilled burger and had a fabulous time. I hope she hangs on to her ;) We love time with "Uncle Will!" 

3. We celebrated a fun grand re-opening and ribbon cutting ceremony for Voila's new location. This is my sister's store she purchased several years ago and has completely turned it upside down. In a good way. She has done a phenomenal job and as much as I do miss our stores being side by side, I am THRILLED about this new location. It's amazing!

4. my sweet friend and store manager Jamey had her TWINS!!!!!!!! Yep, they arrived at 32 weeks and they are seriously miracle babies. They were only in NICU for about four weeks and have done great. They were able to come home this past Friday and **fingers crossed**, I hope to officially meet them this week. Prayers for Jamey and her husband Tim as they settle in and become a family of FOUR. EEEEEEK. I mean, how precious are these doll babies.....

5. Early 6:30am wakeup calls on Saturdays for fun fashion shows/trunk shows mean LOTS (and I do mean LOTS) of coffee. We've had some great shows and I have been so fortunate to meet so many great people and to have the opportunity to spread Sug all over the Upstate!!!! I absolutely love it. If you're ever interested in hosting a trunk show, let me know. Have Shug. Will travel. Seriously.

6. We've practiced and played lots of t-ball! These three stayed together at Mrs. Kim's and they are legit #SQUAD4LIFE. We love watching all of our precious babies play ball, even if they look entirely too grown while doing it. Chad is one of the coaches and so far Cade loves it. He actually really gets into it (note his face...) and has been known to do "home plate dances" when he makes it to home. Lord help us all. 

7. We've had fun birthday parties and celebrated our buddy Troy's third birthday last week. These two bandits stole the girls' Frozen jeep and were off to rob a bank....or just a bag of puffs. They certainly keep us on our toes!

8. and finally, speaking of birthdays, Sugar celebrated EIGHT GREAT years last week/weekend and we had a grand time. So thankful to all of my sweet customers and friends who came out to shop and support. There are no words to describe y'all. Really no words. I am so blessed to have such amazing customers and that's exactly why I'm where I'm at today. They are my world and I go to the END of the world and back for them. That's what customer service is all about. I have some of the same customers now as I did when I first opened my doors eight years ago and that means everything to me. Truly appreciate each and every one and Uptown Greenwood for it's continued support and GROWTH. It has been amazing to watch our little Uptown grow and I am excited about what the future holds. Up next in Uptown Greenwood: brand new farmer's market and splash pad for the littles opening this Summer. WOOHOO!

xoxo to all of you and head on over to for brand new arrivals just posted today!!!

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