charlie's birthday // 7.2.15

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Trying to jot all this down while it's fresh in my mind! Some may ask how in the world do I have time to write all of this? Well, I sit and type (a lot faster than i can physically write) while the boys nap or while I'm bored pumping. Real talk. No one probably cares to read all this detail, so by all means skip over this post unless you want to see some pretty sweet big brother/little brother pics that will nearly make your ovaries burst.

 I transferred Cade's birth story into a Shutterfly book with pics from my pregnancy with him and it's something we will always cherish. Definitely don't have as big of a jump start on Charlie's book but hey, we will make it day.

So at my 38 week check up, I wanted to see if they would induce me at 39 weeks because 1. I was more than ready 2. I knew he was getting bigger by the second 3. I realized it would be much easier to be induced your second go around so you can plan for childcare for your other child. I pretty much begged and pleaded. Finally realized one of my favorite doctors (of the five I see) was on call for that next Thursday, July 2nd. She was game to make it happen. I explained the sentimental story about my dad's birthday being on the 3rd and they asked if I wanted to wait until that day, but I really wanted this particular doctor and also I just wanted to MEET. MY. BABY!

I didn't really say anything to anyone but family because I didn't know if it was 100% for sure going to happen. The plan was if I did not go into labor on my own, I would come in on Wednesday July 1st and if I had not progressed at all (I was only at 1cm, not really effaced) then I would go to hospital Wednesday night to start Cervadil with induction the next morning. If I went back and had progressed at least to 2-3cm, then we could skip the Cervadil all night and just be there at 6am. Y'all. I did everything possible to try to induce labor that week. I really walked up and down steps in our house to our bonus room a million times (ok, it felt like it though ok?) and sure enough I was almost 3cm when I went in that Wednesday. That meant go-time was 6am that next morning. 

We were ready, but it all still felt very surreal.

6am  // We arrived at the hospital for the induction. Last time with Cade, we went to the doctor's office first because I was already in active labor then they sent us straight over to the hospital. This time was a lot more prepped, planned, and felt more laid back. Whew *deep breath*.

7am // We got settled in and they started the Pitocin. There was no turning back now. This is my "let's do this face". Little did Chad know, this would probably be the last smile he saw for a while.

9:45am // Again, I was almost at 3cm when I entered the hospital. It was time to keep on progressing with this Pitocin, so for about two hours we watched the contractions on the monitor and they really weren't that bad. However at 9:45 the anesthesiologist had a break and could come on in and do it, so they asked if I wanted it before or after they broke my water. Knowing the contractions would be even worse once my water was broken, I of course opted to go ahead and get the epidural! Like I've said before, I just desperately wanted to sit back and have a much easier labor and delivery this time.

She noticed my scoliosis and asked if I had problems with my last epidural. I explained to her about the "hot spots" and how I felt everything basically on my left side last time and how I had to have a ton more medicine. She said if it happened again this time, it could be related to the darn scoliosis, but if not then last time was just a random fluke which happens! 

Trust me, this is when I started praying hard. 

10:00am // broke water... and we waited...and guess what? The contractions were no. freakin. joke AND the epidural was NOT working. As in I could feel everything in my legs, the contractions were lessened but certainly not gone and for the next couple of hours there was a spot right in the middle of my lower belly that I could feel everything. I knew this was not going to be good.

12 noon // 5cm dilated, so the Pitocin did what it should and I was progressing more but trust me I could feel it.

For the next two hours those contractions there on the middle of the screen got insanely high and close together. The anesthesiologist came back multiple times to try and "fix" the hot spot and get the pain under control. The more the Pitocin began to work and the more I progressed I could literally feel his "big ol' head" (those were the words of the nurse bc she could tell he had a big head every time they checked me) banging up against my pelvic bone/cervix and I swear it was the worst pain of my life. By the end I was clinching on to the side of the bed and also the pain had me coming up OUT the bed. I put my hands under my back when I knew another contraction was coming and I seriously felt my body lifting as every muscle in my body tensed up. 

So this is my question: WHO DOES THIS NATURAL with no medication? If you do, you are my hero. Seriously. I consider myself to have a pretty high pain tolerance and I absolutely hate medicine. I tried to take the contractions as long as I could but then I just began to cry and told them there's no way I could push or try to have this baby if I could feel everything. I even looked up at my nurse in tears and said "I should have just had a c-section". Of course, being the awesome cheerleader that she was, scolded me for even saying that and gave me my 234,892nd pep talk of the day. 

Nurses are some special people, let me tell you. I just want to hug their necks all day. So thankful God gave me just the ones I needed.

2:00pm // So with all those tears, that's where the amazing anesthesiologist (who also happens to be a sweet Sugar customer of mine) once again came to the rescue. Her, the nurse, and my doctor were so great about being attentive and trying to keep me as comfortable as possible. After many attempts at giving me higher dosages in the epidural and even thoughts about re-doing the epidural (which I did last time with Cade and was ready to do again in a heartbeat), she said she would try one more thing and basically gave me a dosage that was one less than a spinal tap. 

Ohmygawwd. Relief. FINALLY! I could still move one leg a bit and I could still feel the pain in the "hot spot" but not near as bad. Thank gosh, because at this point I was 8-9cm and starting to feel pressure to push. 

They called Dr. Forrest in and got everything set up. It was go time. After all the intense pain from the past couple of hours, I was just so relieved that it was finally time for this baby to COME OUT. Dr. Forrest asked me if I was ready and I remember looking to her saying "GET. HIM. OUT!" 

I was just over the I bit my bottom lip and by gosh, I pushed with every ounce of energy I had in my body. It was like something came over me - some supernatural power - and I was determined to get him here quick.

2:38pm // Sure enough, ten quick minutes of pushing and HE WAS HERE! That moment was amazing. It was like a relief came over me when I knew I wouldn't have a single other contraction (ok, at least not as bad as I had. There were some "after birth contractions" for sure) My tears of pain then became tears of joy. It was a shorter labor than Cade, yes, but a much more intense, painful labor than Cade. Thank gosh, because had it lasted anymore than it did I would not have been able to take it - they'd have to just knock me out. No joke. 

BUT, there you have it folks.
the moment that is just indescribable...and makes every ounce of pain worth it.

It's just the absolute best and immediately prayers and pleas to the Lord turned into PRAISE.
Praise for giving us another perfectly healthy baby with ten tiny toes, ten tiny fingers. A head full of black hair. Healthy weight. I mean, he was just so perfect and I was so incredibly relieved and grateful.

excuse my ridiculous rat's nest hair, but this was the very first kiss of many for my sweet boy.
I swear I've kissed his precious face a million times already since this moment!

and alas, after what seemed like a long day... there were many smiles again.
I made sure to truly soak in these first few moments this go around, knowing just how precious they are.

a pic of mommy and daddy with our newest pride and joy, before big brother and all the fam came in!
I feel like this is our "WE DID IT!" pic. Definitely a group effort, I couldn't have done it with my "rock" - my husband, by my side holding my hand (I think I almost broke it one time)...and great doctor and nurses!

Charlie got cleaned up a bit...

and daddy went to get big brother from the waiting room. They said when Chad got to the door Cade started jumping up and down and literally started to cry with overwhelming excitement (or maybe pure joy for seeing his daddy) and this pic is one I will cherish forever. So sweet!

Cade marched straight in our room, pushed back that curtain and said "WHERE IS MY BROTHER?" Already protective and just in awe of this little miracle that we had talked about for SO long and waited for, for so long. It was awesome to see him finally understand that is indeed what was in mama's "big ol' belly".

I mean if that isn't the face of pure joy and excitement I don't know what is. Special thanks to my sister in law for capturing these special moments for us on my camera!

Smitten from the get go and ready to give his brother lots of loving...

This picture makes me laugh. Charlie's face! He's sitting there thinking "WHAT? I really have to go HOME with these people?" 

Cade was soooooo sweet with Charlie. He just looked him over from head to toe. Again, in total awe!

Still surreal that these two angels are ALL MINE!

Cade opened a fun gift from baby brother. Clearly, excited!

and thanks to our wonderful family, Cade was well taken care of and went home to have lots of fun with his Grami one day and then his Mimi/Papa/Aunt Monk and cousins the other. He had a grand time and it allowed me and Chad to truly soak in these new moments and become acquainted with our little Charlie.

The hubs is a very "manly man"...rugged, rock solid and strong as an ox. A man of few words too. Yet peel back all those "rough layers" and you've got one super softie. This photo just melts my heart. He is such a good daddy, loves his boys (and me!) with his whole heart and it always shows. Sappy as it sounds, as we celebrate 7 years of marriage next month I could not be more grateful to "do life" with him. We are quite the team and now our family feels complete. 

Papa and Cade checking on Charlie. 

Here's sweet Charlie the morning we were ready to go home, on the 4th! They actually would have let us go home the afternoon before but Charlie had a bit of a gagging/reflux problem because of mucus trapped in his belly (from going through the birth canal too quick? That's common apparently?) so they flushed out his stomach and got all that mucus junk out and we all wanted him to be watched for just one more night then they circumcised on Saturday morning before we came home.

Thank you Lord for these precious, perfect hands...ears, toes, eyes, and cheeks.

We could not be more in love with our new blessing...
and again, we could not be more THANKFUL! 

It felt so good for the long 9 months to be over, the intense labor to be over, and for our BABY to finally be in our arms, taking him home. He was definitely the surprise of our life when that pregnancy test showed a positive that chilly October morning, but the Lord knew exactly what we needed and he is truly such a gift! We already couldn't imagine life without him.

"Every good and perfect gift is from above" - James 1:17

Up next, more pics from coming home!


  1. i read this word for word. you did great! and i still can't get over how precious those babies are. can't wait to play and visit with them again soon!

  2. What incredible pictures to cherish forever! I might've teared up while reading this! Congratulations Sandi :)

  3. Read it all & love it!! Gosh pregnancy, births & babies are just the most amazing thing ever!!! And this reminds me I have yet to write Jack's birth story!! Ahh!!


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