buying for baby #2

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Having a baby boy just a few years later after have our first baby boy means we have TONS of hand-me-downs and can re-use practically everything. Hip, hip hooray! For real. 

We tried to register for everything gender neutral first go round just to ensure no matter what gender baby #2 was, we would be ready to re-use. There's a few things I have had fun splurging on so this little one can have his own things - new crib bedding, a new dresser, things like that. I also knew there were some new products out on the market I'd like to try and we were so fortunate to have so many friends shower us with gift cards, diapers, essentials and so much more that we could do that. Seriously, so blessed and grateful. 

So here's what we're going to try out for baby #2. Most just little things that will make our life easier...because rodeo #2 is going to be a lot different than #1, so I've heard :)

We had an Eddie Bauer travel system with Cade and I did love it, but my only dislike was that it was heavier, bulky and not easy to fold up. Well, we still have the car seat but SOMEBODY (**ahem my forgetful husband**) left it under this carport thing we had at the old house and didn't realize it was in the way for rain every time we had a rain shower. It just got nasty and when it came time to move, we were so frantic I just said throw. it. away. I decided I'd invest in a new system, something reasonably priced, easier to fold and more lightweight. Luckily I was able to use Amex points and snag the Graco FastAction Fold Sport Stroller Travel System in Pierce on a major deal on Amazon. (Y'all love me some Amazon. I've had Prime for over a year now and I can't tell you how much I use it for work - office supplies, etc - and home) 

Anyone used this system? How did you like it? My word of advice to new mamas is splurge on what you want the first go round (especially if you plan to have more than one child). I wish I would have gotten the City Mini Stroller or B.O.B. the first go round', but I just couldn't justify spending that much money just to use now for this last baby. If you are a first time mom, I say go for it! Don't settle. Get what you want because you will end up using it all again even quicker than you can blink and certainly get your money's worth. 

Puj Soft Foldable Infant Bath Tub

We have our baby tub we used with Cade and it's at my mom's (which she will keep and use), but when I saw just how portable/easy to use the Puj tub is (not to mention much better on this mama's back while they're little enough to bath in the sink) I knew I had to have it. With our new sinks in the new house, why not bath the littlest this way? Also it will be great to travel with. I'm excited to use it and will let you know how I like it.

Chad's cousin Holly, who just had baby Blain, has one of these and has brought it out by the pool, uses it at home, everywhere. I knew we had to have one and fortunately, thanks to awesome friends, had gift cards to snag one at Babies R' Us (this print is exclusive to Babies r Us. Again, I still tried to make sure it was gender neutral because I'm thinking ahead to my sister's babies (one day), etc...). It's so lightweight and portable, I can see me taking it to the grandparent's houses...on vacations...everywhere! 

Earth Mama Angel Baby Third Trimester Tea

I read reviews on a blog to try this and figured it couldn't hurt. It supposedly strengthens the uterus for contractions and labor. I've been drinking it at night as much as I can remember to and it doesn't taste bad at all! I wish I had ordered it sooner.

Self explanatory. I know last time I used straight up Solarcaine spray and remember nearly choking on fumes in the hospital bathroom (HA! Maybe I got a little carried away...) so this time I am going for something a little more all-natural (and a much better scent). You can order on Amazon, but I also found at our local Target!

One brand that I loved with Cade and knew I had to get more of is Kissy Kissy. Sooo amazingly soft and sweet. Since Cade was born in February and Charlie due in July, I did splurge on a few new newborn / 0-3 / 3-6 "Summer" short sleeve and sleeveless outfits like this one. I also loaded up on Noodle & Boo because hands down, it's my favorite. I can not get enough of this yummy smell. The best!

Then, I did buy a Kiinde.

It was all on major sale months ago on Zulily, so I thought I'd give it a try. The bottle warmer alone will come in super handy and you literally can just pop in the breastmilk storage bags to unthaw/warm them in the warmer then pop them in these bottle holder things, put a nipple on and boom! Bottle is ready. I hope it's that easy...because I'm all for anything to make my life easier. Yes please.

Even though I did not nurse long at all with Cade (just four weeks...and I'm gonna be honest - it was heyyeeeeeell. Like as in hurt worse than labor sometimes), I have decided this mama is going to tough it out and try it all over again. I want to try to provide the same for both my boys and I do feel even more prepared (mentally and with all the necessary tools. Last time I had no freakin' idea what I was doing) so I hope I can stick it out even longer. With all that in mind, I did buy a single pump Medela when I had Cade, then ended up borrowing a friends double and loved/used it so much more. 

So this go around, I can't borrow it again and I had made my determined mind up that I would use gift cards to invest in the Medela Freestyle (again, knowing after I used it for this baby I could pass down to my sister one day hopefully). We would get our money's worth. Well, low and behold after talking to some of his women co-workers (one being pregnant), Chad found out his insurance covered a breast pump! We would get a FREE Ameda Purely Yours Breast Pump. Awesome!!!

FREE sounded great to me. It arrived yesterday and looks easy to use. Has anyone used this one? Have any reviews? I guess I'll try it out and see. It was key for me last time to be able to pump, so I hope this one does the trick.

Charlie's bag is packed and I feel like I have everything ready to go {and then some...} because I do feel more prepared this go around. For some reason, no matter how many friends tell you what you many books you read...or blogs you read, for that matter...until you've experienced it all on your own, you just don't know. I thought I was sooo prepared last time. Nope

I'm sure there's things I'm forgetting this time too, but I've been so much more laid back - heck even if I do, we will just wing it. After all, that's what new parents do right? Excited for this adventure again and SOOOO ready to meet this sweet fella!!!


  1. I have that stroller, just in another color. It has been really great for the last two years. Has held up really well, super easy to handle and love how easy the car seat attaches when they are little. You will love it.

    1. sooo good to know! Just from putting it together and "testing it out around the house" for fun, it seemed awesome. Very smooth. I think we will be really happy with it. Yay!


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