my newest {and littlest} employee.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

So my pregnancy brain failed me once again and I neglected the fact that last week I would be 1. without a sitter for Cade (she's on vaca) 2. without my backup, Mimi, who had shoulder surgery (prayers for her! She is home and beginning a long road to recovery!!) and 3. without any employees (she was on a cruise. Lucky). 

What did we do? What I always do. I just wing it. 

Again, I have been sooo laid back this pregnancy. With everything on my plate, I feel like that's just how I have to be. Too blessed to be stressed, life is just too short to get worked up about every little detail. I keep telling myself that over and over. So, everyone always says "You're so lucky, you can take him to work with you!" Yes I do agree - very lucky and a blessing that I can bring him anytime I want and it has helped so much during emergencies, when he's been sick, etc...I really can't imagine life any other way.

BUT, all that being said - this child is a little booger. While I do love having him with me, there's no doubt about it, I get zero work done and he is a handful when I'm trying to juggle helping customers and keep him occupied. My customers are so sweet, of course, they just laugh and go on and on talking with him, but here's a few pics of a typical day at Sug with Cade. Lots of laughs, that's for sure!

Thank gosh for the iPad, but his attention span still isn't longer than 20-30 minutes tops. That's when I DO actually get some things done. I mean, just look at this sassy little mess...

He got my scanner (for our barcodes on the clothes) and being the son of a USPS employee, he went straight to scanning boxes. Chad got a kick out of this.

but then after he wrote all over himself, he decided he wanted to be shipped. Lawdamercy.

and this was the best...who's the boss now, right?

He actually DID help me some. He loves to vacuum and help me clean!

Needless to say, I'm not adding him to the payroll anytime soon, but he did earn his keep for those few days...and keep me (and all our customers) highly entertained!

1 comment:

  1. LOL! I can only imagine what it's like having him in the store! Too precious though!! Definitely times you'll remember forever!


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