my babies are too sweet.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

No, really. I think they are. More on that in a bit...

So I'm 27 weeks today. That means 13 weeks left. *GULP*

This pregnancy is flying by and I look at my What to Expect app weekly because I can't remember what week I'm in. 

It's becoming more difficult too. My belly is getting large and in charge and I swear this baby is going to come out a freakin ninja. I do not remember Cade kicking me this much, flipping around this much or getting himself into awkward (uncomfortable-for-me) positions. AND I THOUGHT CADE WAS WILD! Sheesh. I'm not sure what we are in for, but I have had some pretty uncomfortable moments lately and know this is just the beginning. 

The moments of annoying, uncomfortable moments are all worth it when you have moments like this. Cade took a nap on my belly the other day and it was just the sweetest thing. I hope baby Charlie knows just how much his big brother loves him already. 

Super sweet right? 

Well yes, so apparently my babies are TOO sweet. That's been the joke the past week or so. I went last Thursday for my glucose test. I tried really hard this go around (I failed the first glucose test last pregnancy) to be cautious about my sugar and even carbs the whole week leading up to the test. Ok, maybe I had some Easter candy here and there. Darn Easter candy. Last pregnancy my glucose test fell right around Halloween. So there. I blame it on the holidays. Whatever.

Well low and behold, I failed last Thursday THREE freakin points. 

What did I then do? B-bopped up to Greenville to run errands and have lunch with one of my besties and got an Apollo + large sweet tea from Grouchos because. I. can. 


I was just ticked because I did not want to take the three hour test. No time for that, plus you had to drink the ENTIRE bottle of sweet sugary orange goo. Oh and have blood drawn, not just a finger prick every time. Bleh. Not to mention that meant I couldn't partake ink, desserts on Easter Sunday. 

Alas, I did the 3 hour though. Monday morning bright and early at 8am. I barely got it all down and then an hour later she said "Well as long as it's less than 180 you're good...and that's pretty high to me so you should be fine".

180? (Just so you know the one hour test "goal" was 130 and I was 133). I said "Ma'm if I'm anywhere near 180 then surely to goodness I'd be flat out on this floor in here". 

Results: 175. Sweet. No, really. 

I explained to her that I had been diagnosed hyperglycemic in high school when I would legit pass out all the time (and in college) and didn't realize why. My sugar spikes so ridiculously high then it just bottoms out. I've learned now that I can't just go to Olive Garden and order a sweet tea, huge plate of pasta, AND breadsticks. Afterwards I basically feel just so sick to the point that I could pass out or basically feel like I'm going to die.  

So I went back to the store and worked for yet another hour, came back.....


She drew blood again. Result: 80


Yeah, thank you hyperglycemia for making my sugar "bottom out" and drop so low I passed with flying colors and didn't even have to go back the third hour. 

I then took my trembling, bout-to-pass-out-self to Bojangles for the biggest sausage, egg and cheese biscuit I could find + a huge bottled water. Needless to say no more sugar was consumed by me that day. Whew, that did me in. 

So there you have it. I just can't help I've got too much sugar running through my veins. I mean, what do you expect? :) In all seriousness, I'm just glad I passed and I will try to cool it a bit on my sweet tea and absolutely no more Easter candy. I've thrown it all away to be sure. Really need to eat a little bit better!

Now for a 26 week pic (this was from last week)...heeeeere you go. 13 more weeks left? Are ya kiddin' me? I shutter to think about how big this belly is going to actually get. Somebody get me a Jazzy with a cup holder and fan, stat. 

A few nights ago Cade lifted up my shirt and said, so serious, "I mean, where did your belly button go??" 

Yes. Flat already. Way sooner than I remember with Cade! 

We just can not wait for his little hyper butt to get here. Excited about 13 weeks left, but cue panic mode because I have so. much. to. do. Hopefully we will finally finish cleaning out his nursery this weekend and maybe at least move the crib and glider over from my mom's. The next few weekends are going to be jam packed for us and then I know I'll blink and it will be June. 

Then I really will be panicking. 

Yikes. Actually, let me just go get to work on that right now...

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