31st Birthday Week Recap

Monday, January 19, 2015

 I say "week" because I really do feel like I celebrated all last week, but my actual birthday was by far the best day!

The night before my birthday I came home from a super long day to Chad cooking his famous chicken poppers (chicken, cream cheese, and green peppers on the smoker) and dove poppers for him (yuck), baked potato, and salad. A yummy meal then he and Cade had me a surprise for dessert. They really do know the way to my heart...

The next morning Chad and I took Cade to Mrs. Kims and we headed to Greenville for a fun day of shopping, lunch at one of my favorites (Groucho's of all places...yes that's what I was craving. An Apollo with 45 and sweet tea. Yessss sir) and then our ultrasound that afternoon.

This was the 15 week bump that morning BEFORE Groucho's...

and just for kicks, this is me AFTER Groucho's waiting to go in for ultrasound. HA! 
Little guy was out and ready to make his grand reveal, that's for sure. Lordamercy.

and the best part of my day was seeing his sweet face on the big screen. This isn't even the best pic I have but we could definitely tell he already looked a lot like Cade and he had loooooong legs (hence why I have probably already been feeling some movement).  Such a precious gift!!

Chad and I finished the ultrasound and went to Publix to pick up the cake/get groceries. Then we got Cade and headed over for my birthday dinner/gender reveal you can read about HERE.

On Thursday, Chad left to go BACK to Alabama for one last hunting trip and this was Cade post-helping daddy pack. I think he just wanted to make sure daddy had his hunting face on.

Cade and I started cleaning house and prepping for one of my besties/college roomies Cameron to come stay with us! On Friday afternoon she arrived, shopped at Sugar then we went up to the shoe store Blossom and kids store The Frilly Frog. I had not bought a single thing for baby #2 until Friday. The Frilly Frog had a 1/2 off sale plus it was B2G1 FREE. Ohmyword, I went nuts. I know some say they can never find cute boy clothes, but I am obsessed. I find waaaaay too MUCH, that's the problem!
Let the matching begin....

On Saturday morning, my mom kept Cade while me and Cam headed to Greenville to pick up Beth then to SouthPark Mall in Charlotte to meet Kate for lunch! I met Kate through Beth and have followed her blog for a while. She is SUCH a cute mama and soon to be mama to TWO boys, just like myself, so we had tons to discuss. I'm so glad she joined us for a fun lunch at Cheesecake Factory.  I adore these ladies right here and it was such a fun girls day out!! 

Why yes, happy birthday to ME.

We shopped a ton at SouthPark, then stopped by the Prime Outlets in Gaffney on the way home where I spotted this gorgeous chair (at an amazing price) at Pottery Barn outlet.

Had to have it, so my amazing in-laws went with me and Cade yesterday all the way back to Gaffney to get it. So worth it.

Now we are ready to rock another baby. Woohoo! This will be a wonderful addition to our living room and replace our very worn out recliner. The funny thing is, this entire birthday week didn't even really revolve around ME but aaaaall about my two boys. The ONLY thing I bought this entire weekend, besides that chair, was for both boys. I forsee that's now life as I know it....and I could not be more thankful :) No other way I'd want to spend it. 

Cheers to 31 and the absolutely amazing year ahead!!

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