14 Weeks

Friday, January 9, 2015

THANK YOU ALL for the weet comments, texts, posts, and calls. You guys are the best and you don't know how much we appreciate all the prayers!!!

I don't know how many of these weekly updates I will do this go round, so I figured I'd kick it off and do a little update now, plus answer a few questions we've been asked. Chad and I laughed about how I haven't taken the first "bump" picture, recorded anything, nothing. Last time we took pics every single week, made Cade this elaborate baby album on Shutterfly. He said "Well I hope you hide that thing or this next baby is going to feel real bad about itself!" BLESS. I will try to catch up and take a few, but one thing for sure this one's Shutterfly album is going to be lacking. Second child syndrome already...I'll try to do better!!


Fall was crazy. Deaths in our family, building a house, prepping for holiday season, raising a toddler, cleaning, purging, and packing our current house every weekend (my dad left us like 20 years + worth of stuff in different barns and shops. Ridic) and we were just BUSY. I admit, there WERE times when I was late to the pharmacy picking up my BC and I'd try to double (or errrr...triple) up. But c'mon now, I knew the trouble and preciseness it took for us to get pregnant with Cade so I never even thought twice about it. No way in heck I was getting pregnant with our crazy schedules, whether BC was 100% accurate day by day or not. WELL...God showed me. It was two nights before Halloween and I remember sitting in the floor SOOO bloated and complaining that I didn't feel good. We had just been talking about his cousin's surprise pregnancy news and Chad goes "HA! You probably knocked up too!" LIke TOTALLY JOKING. 

So much joking, I shrugged my shoulders, said yeah right and went on to bed. Didn't even think twice about it (and I won't go into details about my irregular menstrual cycles but there were reasons why I wasn't worried - I was never like clockwork when it came to that) The next morning, I woke up and thought "Oh, what the hell" and just for kicks I looked for old pregnancy tests under counter and sure enough I had some cheap ones that showed two lines, not the "pregnant / not pregnant" ones. I decided to take on a whim. I left it in the bathroom, went to fix my coffee, TOOK A SHOWER, nearly forgot about the dang thing then I saw it laying on floor and picked it up. 

Then I nearly had to PICK MYSELF UP. "What thuuuuuuu...." I said out loud. My mind raced. Cue my eyes getting bigger. That's how crazy it had been. I had no idea even exactly when my last menstrual cycle was either, I legit had to go look at a calendar and figure that crap out. No idea how far along I could be, nothing. I felt so disorganized, disoriented, and just in DISBELIEF.

My first initial reaction was  of course to send Chad a text. Yes, a text. I couldn't call while he was still in the PO casing mail and I. was. freakin. out!!!!!!!

After asking if this was a joke, he said he nearly fell out and could hardly finish his mail duties. He called me immediately when he got out on his route. I then went to buy the "pregnant/not pregnant" pregnancy test in the store ... just to be sure. Yep, there it was...bold print. PREGNANT.

Then I cried

It was just that I was not mentally prepared for it...and more so, I was really scared. 

Knowing we had a miscarriage before, all of the worst thoughts ran through my head. I called the dr. to make an appointment immediately but the earliest they had was two weeks. LONGEST TWO WEEKS OF MY LIFE. 

Luckily, when I went to the appt they scheduled an ultrasound the next day, which is what I wanted, to see if could hear a heartbeat and also measure to see how far along I was. There was a strong low heartbeat and baby measured about 6.5 weeks. That made me feel better bc episodes of "I didn't Know I was Pregnant" always race through my mind. WHAT IF I was ____ far along and had no clue? She marked the due date as July 8th. No more tears, if anything I had tears of joy at this point!

I immediately thought about how our very first due date (when miscarried) was July 21st and how it must be meant to be for us to have a July baby. Then my dad AND my papa's birthdays are July 3rd, so I also couldn't help to think that both of them were up there smiling down, maybe even laughing a bit, because they probably had a hand in this. The Lord certainly has a plan and after hearing that very first heartbeat, I just smiled because I knew that this baby was a gift sent to complete our family.

So when did everyone know the news? My sister actually called me out first and knew something was wrong ON Halloween...I broke down...told her and mom, then we told Chad's parents, then waited until after dr. appt to tell his sister, her husband and the kids. We just wanted to go to doctor first really before we told ANYONE....mostly to make it even seem real because it certainly did not.

Then we waited until Christmas basically to tell everyone else and I also had another dr. appt in between then where I heard the heartbeat again on a doppler, then again yesterday! It wasn't even that hard keeping it a secret because 1. I was so crazy busy with the holidays at the store 2. besides being super tired, some days I even forgot myself I was pregnant. 3. again, we have been crazy busy also building a house and all. CONSUMED by more than pregnancy talk or thoughts!

It has felt so good to reach the 12 week milestone and finally share the news with everyone. I have been so worried, but now I do feel a lot better and will especially feel more at peace after the ultrasound next week. Just want to make sure little one has all 10 toes, 10 fingers, etc... I know that's every mama's first thoughts! Really excited and praying everything is just perfect.


His world is definitely going to be rocked. Had we gotten pregnant with baby #2 say...when he was one or so, I think he 1. wouldn't know as much as to what's going on 2. wouldn't be near as attached to us and spoiled already. It's been just "Cade's world" for three full years now (3 1/2 by the time baby arrives) so he's definitely going to have to get use to sharing our attention, his toys, ummm everything. He is excited though, he was spreading the news before we could!! Some days we think he forgets about it, but then oh no...that little booger is smarter than we think. Doesn't miss a beat, but he is so helpful to me and very loving (98% of the time) so I know he is going to be such a good big brother.


How Far Along: 14 weeks as of Wednesday

Size of baby: size of a peach

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 4 pounds

Maternity Clothes: I've thrown on my good ol' Citizens maternity jeans a few times already, not going to lie. They're so comfy heck I'd wear them even not pregnant. Other than that, just went up a size on jeans and still using the belly band (or hair tie trick) when needed.

Gender:  we find out next week! I honestly have zero premonition this time. Last time,  I did have a hunch it was a boy. I remember laying out on the beach at 11 weeks with my sister in law and she said "You really think it's a boy, don't you?" Yep. I just knew, even that early on. We of course have absolutely no preference either way, long as baby is healthy. Really excited just to have another ultrasound, whether we can tell the gender or not! All we are worried about at this point.

Movement: YES! I cannot believe that I felt flutters for the first time Wednesday night, then again some last night. I thought I was going crazy, then I googled it and sure enough, it says women can feel movement as early as 13 weeks with the second pregnancy. Plus we joke, we make really strong babies (Hello, Cade was nearly 9 pounds and swear he had biceps when he came out....) so no doubt that is what I felt. SO THANKFUL to feel movement!!!

What I miss: my energy. I feel like I have soooo much to do and I just do not have any means to do it. I am a get up and go person, just like doing things myself with no help and now I feel handicapped. Some nights I just lay on the couch. Ugh, it drives me nuts but I know if I don't rest it makes me even more tired and I just have to face that I can't do it all. Time to delegate! 

Cravings: cereal (Lucky Charms and if I feel healthy - Kelloggs Fruit & Yogurt is my jam), Cookout Chicken Quesadillas I lived off of for the first trimester I do believe. Chick fil A Chicken Salad sandwiches and Cobb Salads with Avocado Lime Dressing (?? definitely not what I craved last time), Krispy Kreme...ANYTHING. I've been eating a lot, but definitely having more aversions this time like to meat and burgers. 

Symptons: Tired, tired, and more tired. Some aches and pains already, which they say is more common with second pregnant and I sure hope so. Whew, this second go round has been no joke but I also blame a lot of it on the first trimester being during THE most busy, crazy time of the year for me - Fall/holiday season. I haven't gotten sick, per say, but definitely felt pretty nauseous the entire first trimester but I think it's slowly but surely getting better. Other than the stomach bug nearly killing me over new years. BUH.

Best Moment this week: hearing the heartbeat on the doppler again at my dr appointment and finally spilling the beans! So glad it's out and no more secrets :)

See! He really is excited!!! Our hearts are OVERJOYED!
"Every good and perfect gift is from above" - James 1:17


  1. I am sooo excited for y'all!!! Glad you are starting to feel better! Definitely rest as much as you can - you know you need it!! Can't wait to hear more when you get a chance! & I know Cade will be an awesome big brother!!

    1. Thanks friend, I am certainly resting this weekend. Exhaustion hits me like a brick! I am sure you know exactly what I mean. Hope you are getting rest too and definitely praying for you in the weeks ahead. Almost time now!! Woohoo!

  2. 1) Oprah has 6 toes. So I've decided that a 6 toed kid is a-okay

    2) Love how real you are. I mean, duh, of course you are....

    3) I'm 3 months away from giving birth and I have hardly thought about this baby is realistic terms. Like, I haven't thought about his room, transitioning Trace out of his crib, double strollers, anything. So I feel ya!

    4) I'm so stinkin' excited for you guys!!!!

    1. OMG, I am so glad I'm not alone!!!! I'm soo excited for you guys too. Hope I get to see you soon...next weekend maybe? AAAAHHH!

  3. Sooo exciting, congrats!!!! That is so crazy how quick you feel movement after the first pregnancy!

  4. I bought Seven Maternity Jeans and they double as my thanksgiving pants:) CONGRATULATIONS! So exciting you will have a pair of brothers!


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