thanksgiving weekend.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Cade enjoyed seeing lots of sweet little girls that came to the gender reveal/Turkey Bash.
Yep, Holly and Will John found out what baby #2 would be on Thanksgiving Eve!
Lots of sweet friends and family showed up for the exciting reveal...

Family of three, soon to be FOUR. Ready to find out what they're having!

me and Kenzie waiting on the big reveal! I was photog and she was videographer.

So my sis-in-law Monica (also like Holly's sister since they are cousins and Holly is an only child) went to the ultrasound place with Holly that Wednesday morning and ONLY Monica found out what they were having. She then put the correct color confetti in the balloon, then at the Turkey Bash Holly and Will John (along with everyone else) were able to find out what baby would be!
Big brother Hayden got to POP THE BALLOON!

and BLUE CONFETTI it was! It's another McClain great-grandSON. That makes SIX.
Holly kept saying "I KNEW IT!" A mama's intuition is usually right. We could not be more excited to add another boy to the crew. Aaaah, I can see them all lined up on the beach right now for pics next year. Nothing like it!!

Hayden is going to be such a great big brother and I can't imagine how close they will be.

Such a cute picture of these four...

Thanksgiving day rolled around and I was thankful for comfy sweatshirts, stretchy pants, and this silly little turkey right here...

We enjoyed a HUGE feast at Mimi and Papa's, then we went to Grami's for yet another Thanksgiving dinner, but hers was non-traditional with steaks. I have never ate so much in one day in all my life.

After lunch and lounging around for a bit, Chad and I snuck over to the new house because we were dying to see what all they had done that week (well and he wanted to change out a trail camera for the deer. Go figure) There were a ton of workers there Thanksgiving Eve until after dark. We are BEYOND thankful for our builder, all of the workers, and the huge blessing that this new house will be. 

Sneak peek of our tile shower (still has to be grouted). Chad and I literally stood in our future bathroom in silence for several minutes just staring at the shower until I said "Pinch me. Is this even real? Do we really get to live here?" It still doesn't seem real to me yet. Haven't quite comprehended that we could be moving in less than two months. I don't think it will until we spend our first night there.
This shower is Chad's BABY. He wanted a big ol' tile shower because well...he's a big ol' guy. Love how it turned out.
 I also see myself as an all-boy mom so when I look at this shower, I imagine us spraying down muddy, dirty boys :) 

It's an investment we will USE and enjoy every single day! So excited!!

We headed back to Chad's parents and the kiddos were all playing outside. Chad and Cade looked like they were trying to figure out all of life's problems. Oh how I will treasure this pic forever...

Our new house is going to be nice, thinking of Christmas gifts and Black Friday sales is nice, BUT the BIGGEST BLESSING that we have to be thankful for this Thanksgiving is right here...


These sweet cousins made lots of memories in the leaves and well, at the end of the day, this is all that matters folks. Memories. Family. The simple stuff.

Hope you all made wonderful memories with your family and friends this past weekend too. Can not believe it's December already, but I am certainly looking forward to soaking in this entire month and relishing in this magical season! 

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