Christmas Week Recap: Part I

Monday, December 29, 2014

I have a TON of catching up to do from our fun, super busy Christmas week. It involved everything from a JT birthday the flu. So yeah, let the recaps begin. But first: Justin.

Ok so when my bestie asked me if I wanted to go see JT {again} I think my response was "Uh, duh"
Hers was #YOLO. A few of us had all just been to see him not even a year ago, same tour because he's been on the road for almost two years now, in Atlanta but you don't turn down another JT concert. Seriously, if you've seen him on this 20/20 Experience tour then you know. He's that good...and if you know me, you know I... 1. love music 2. love concerts 3. love a good time. Done. I'd take a fun concert over a material gift any ol' day. That's what has made this December really times with fun people. Not a whole bunch of "stuff". Just amazing memories...

My pics are so out of order but we were INSANELY close this go around.
Thanks to Beth and her #YOLO

This is the stage that moves out over the entire audience and stops at the back of the "floor" where there is a VIP seating area, complete with their very own bartenders and their very own mini stage.
Yes, Justin thinks of everything. So even if you're at the back of the arena, nose bleed, you're still going to get a great view at some point.

So the thing about the stage is if you're on the lower sides, he basically can walk over to side and be directly on top of you. Craziness, I tell you. CRAZINESS. *cuethefreakout*

and my iPhone didn't fail me with these pics. Needless to say, we freaked.

a good view of the "moving stage" right as it's lifted and starts moving...

and here's my favorite video of the night (out of like 23825982 of them, which Cade now watches 24/7. He's obsessed. Even Chad was impressed with JT's guitar skills in some of the vids)

IMG 3590 from Sandi McClain on Vimeo.

Fun, fun night! We never sat down and it's basically a non-stop three hour dance party, from the time you walk in to a DJ blasting to the time JT sings the very last song. He's only got a few shows left of this tour, but if he's coming close to you - GO!  He really is a fantastic entertainer, great singer live, and just all around AMAZE.

and not sure why my right eyebrow looks OOC because of the shadow (promise it's the shadow!), but this was the best selfie we could get. YAY for an early Christmas present to ourselves!!!!

Now for the rest of the super fun Christmas week...coming right up...

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