We had a busy little weekend. It all started on Friday evening when we headed up to Ryan Nicholas Inn for a rehearsal dinner for friends Heather and Adam. Both graduated with Chad. Adam and Chad played baseball and football together, but Heather and I became friends maybe around 10th grade and remained friends through college and til now. We have had some fun, fun memories. From beach trips to tailgates, too many to count. She was an honorary bridesmaid in our wedding and I was honored to help with hers!
So Saturday I had to be back at Ryan Nicholas Inn (also the wedding venue) at 5, so that meant leaving the house no later than 4. Well, Chad was busting his tail to get done at work by then but he didn't quite make it. [It was food drive day at USPS so there ya go. He had an extra long Saturday]
I also failed to bring out my phone until AFTER Heather had changed out of her gorgeous wedding gown, but here's a few of us "Dixie chicks" (so we call ourselves since we went to Dixie High School. Not making this up) We're missing a few in this pic, but definitely have had a lot of fun times with these pretty girls and still close friends.
Adam and his mom dancing // heather's bridal portrait // sparkler exit
The venue was SO gorgeous and the food, delish.
It's not a wedding until the bride and groom chow down on cheeseburgers and fries. Yum!
Beautiful wedding. We could not be happier for Adam and Heather.
Cheers to many wonderful years as Mr & Mrs!
The next day we celebrated Mother's Day. Beyond thankful for this little monkey right here that made me a mama. He will probably never know just how many tears were shed and how much he was prayed for, but we sure do thank the Lord for answering our prayers. It's a "drop-to-my-knees-and-praise" kind of feeling. He is our biggest blessing and I am so proud to be his mom.
Before church, Chad and Cade gave me my mother's day present. Total surprise. Dang, Chad is so good with surprises I swear. Gets me every time. I had dreamt of one day getting a portrait painted of Cade and thought once I took his 2 year Spring pics, that would be the pic that I wanted. Never once did I mention this idea to Chad. Swear. Well low and behold, he surprised me with a black and white painting of Cade's ONE year portrait where he was wearing my daddy's old railroad hat. What in the world? He just reads my mind? I was floored. So sentimental to me and so very sweet!
The artist is actually the husband of one of Chad's co-workers. Check out Ray Jones Artwork on Facebook. Now I'm hooked and definitely want a color painting done of one of Cade's pics I took Sunday. Will have to share those soon too!
After church we had a yummy lunch at mamas, then I finally took Cade's two year Spring pics I had been wanting to do for months, and then we had another delish dinner at Chad's parents. I ate entirely too much yesterday, that's for sure. Fun day all around. Cade even had some time to ride his four-wheeler (always). He put his hat on backwards, hopped on and said "Mama I ready ride!" Suddenly he looked a lot less like my "baby Cade" and a lot more like a little boy.
Words will never be able to express my gratitude for not only an amazing mother, but an awesome mother-in-law too. Not sure how I got so lucky, but they do so much for me and I love them both dearly!
We had a fun day celebrating mothers, but my heart was also a little heavy thinking about several friends who are struggling with infertility, recently experienced a miscarriage, or have lost a child and/or mother. So many heartaches when I scroll down my FB feed. Lots of special prayers lifted up and just know I have certainly had you all on my mind!
i miss that little baby boy. we need to have another dinner/sam's date soon or a sleepover. when's chad out of town again? j/k. ;)