keep calm and stache on...

Monday, June 10, 2013

I forgot to post this, but last weekend my sister helped host a surprise birthday party for one of her bestie's Sydney! Courtney has grown up with Sydney, Anna, and Jessi since kindergarten. They were bridesmaids in her wedding and they are the best friends ever. Since they've been so close for so long, those three are also like "my other little sisters" and I love them dearly. So of course I wasn't going to miss a celebration for Miss Sydney, and as you all know I do LOVE me some surprises. It was so fun!

Sydney's boyfriend Bryson plays in a band and they were set to play at Buffalos (a new fun restaurant in Uptown Greenwood) last Friday night. Court picked Syd up to come over to Buffalos "to meet the girls" but little did she know who ALL would be there...

She was soooooooo surprised.

All of her Clemson friends/former roomies surprised her along with her family and more friends!

Court and Anna helped pull off the par-tay and you can't really see in the pic above but Anna even made a mustache cake. Get back Betty Crocker!

Syd and her talented beau Bryson. If you're ever in Greenwood and have the chance to come out and listen to Orange Magnolia, do yourself a favor and stop by!

Syd and her hilarious mom Cathy. Love these two...

me and beth... who felt like chaperones. 
(whew, leave it to a bunch of 25 year olds to make you feel OLD)

Fun night celebrating Syd's 25th Birthday! Now onto a month of celebrating friends turning 30!
Oh my goodness, more surprises to come :) 

Here's to getting caught up this week on the ol' blog and don't forget you've got one more day to enter my fun giveaway here

Happy Monday!


  1. love that picture of us. I need to start printing out pictures again and find a frame for that beaute.


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