quick 15 minute chalkboard project

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

So there's this thing. 

You know, that thing. The annoying breaker box that for us, was placed right smack in the middle of the laundry room. The laundry room has no doors so it's open when you walk from the kitchen to the guest bathroom. Very visible. I painted it the same color as the walls when we first remodeled before moving in but recently I had an idea to turn this odd blank door into something fun and useful!


taped it off and used chalkboard paint from Hobby Lobby

The painters tape I had was not so great. Ugh. Going to go back and touch up but here's the finished project. I love it and it took maybe 15 minutes!


We really did need milk and bread but here's my oh so sarcastic comical husband making fun of my new project on Twitter. Real funny honey...

Lots more projects to check off the list before Cade's birthday party next weekend.

1 comment:

  1. i never even thought to put a cabinet over my breaker box..now that's just a neat idea in itself.


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