Catching Up: Last weekend

Monday, May 7, 2012

This is only, oh you know...over a week late, but better late than ever. Just a few pics I wanted to share from last weekend when we went to my bestie's parents house for dinner. It was her oldest son, Logan's, 4th birthday! Honestly it feels just like yesterday she told me she was pregnant with him. I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing when I got the call. Now he's FOUR! Unreal.

This little fella had a ball watching "the big boys". 
I'm sure he can't wait until he can run around with em'
"Why yes, yes I do like to pose"
Brantley, her youngest son, 14 months
Logan on his 4th birthday!

This was the first time we posed all the boys together for a picture!
"HELP! What do we do?" 
"I know, let's just give him his paci!" 
Ruth and I have been friends since 8th grade. Y'all we would have our 10 year reunion this year so that's almost 15 years ago!
 Boy do I feel old but blessed that we get to raise our precious boys up together!
absolutely precious. look at Logan holding on to both boys. Cade clearly still confused as to what's going on :)

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