28 Weeks

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day #15: Thankful for an easy pregnancy with no complications thus far and
a healthy baby boy. He is our precious gift!

Today I'm 28 weeks. I wonder if he's still measuring two full weeks ahead because if so that would mean 30 weeks. Um, 30 whole WEEKS!

We'll just keep on track until further notice and say 28. Last week when I loaded my "weekly bump photo" into my pregnancy book on Shutterfly, two full pages were done. I couldn't believe it. When I first started the weekly photo pages I remember thinking "Wow. This is going to take forever to fill". Now of course it has flown by! There's another page to fill with weekly photos but that's it.


How far along? 28 Weeks

Baby is size of: A chinese cabbage {whatever that is}. 14.8 inches and 2.25 pounds. His eyes are beginning to open this week.

Maternity Clothes? Oh yes, wearing more maternity tops now and definitely loving my maternity jeans.

Stretch Marks? Nope, not yet. Really hope I don't get them!

Sleep? I feel like I can't get enough sleep. I keep wanting to go to bed at 8:30pm with this new time change. Definitely feel as if I need 10 hours of sleep. Also they aren't lying when they say weeks 27-32 the baby is most active. Holy cow I just thought it was bad before. He moves ALL DAY.

Best moment of the week? We made a little progress on his room and I had so much fun putting up all of the fun gifts from his shower last weekend! Also Cade enjoyed his first concert - Gavin Degraw at the Peace Center in Greenville with my girlfriends Beth, Viv, and Heather. David Cook was there too but we left early because he was entirely too "heavy metal-ish" {who knew?} and I figured I'd spare Cade that part. But Gavin singing acoustic with nothing but his piano? Um, yes please. Hope Cade loves music as much as his mommy and daddy!

Movement? Like I said, very active. You can see him jabbing/punching me and he will curl up in a ball on the right side

Cravings? Random things like "bird dogs" {anyone know what these are?}, my mom's chicken casseroles and still craving salads and sandwiches. Crave milk and cereal a lot plus more sweets now. This could be bad with Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up...

Gender? It's a BOY! Joshua Cade McClain

Labor Signs? No, don't think so even though definitely feeling more pains now and then

Belly Button In or Out? Uh, it's getting closer and closer to being out. Just flat for now. Maybe it will stay that way.

What I miss: having tons of coffee to get me through this busy holiday season and not being able to have brie cheese and wine during the holidays is going to hurt. It's my favorite!

Symptoms: More back pain lately and tad bit of swelling in my feet if I'm on them all day

What I am looking forward to: Fun shower tonight with my sweet employees and "co-workers" as I call them. {other boutique owners} Then I have a dr. appointment on Thursday, our 3D ultrasound Friday and also another shower on Sunday. Whew busy but fun week then next week it's THANKSGIVING! I am so excited!

Weekly wisdom: Try to rest as much as possible. It is very true. I will start listening to everyone now, thanks :)


  1. the other day i watched a show where they would talk about what was happening with the growing babies inside their mom's bellies. i kept thinking "oh this is what cade is doing now" or "this is what he'll be doing soon." he'll be here before you/we know it!

  2. How exciting. I feel like I just turned 28 weeks, and we'll be at 40 tomorrow. It goes so fast that soon enough you'll have all of those pages filled! Enjoy the 3-D ultrasound. It is truly amazing!!

  3. That's great that you don't have stretch marks. I got the worst stretch marks with my son and now I just can't even worry about it! I agree about the movement. I just told my husband the baby (gosh I wish she had a name) was having a party in my belly! I'm going to the doctor every two weeks now which makes it all seem a lot closer!


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