A week's worth of ramblings...

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

1. We had a good 4th! What about you? Some of Chad's family came to visit from Boone and we spent time at his parents pool Saturday then had people over at our pool on Monday. This was the only photo I got from the entire day, can you believe it? I so wish I could have gotten a picture of SEVEN little boys that were playing in the pool. Most of our friends have boys so yes, there were seven of them. Chad grilled pork loin, chicken poppers [his new specialty] and we had baked beans, potatoes, hashbrown casserole, grape salad, pineapple casserole, bbq bread and then chocolate delight, brownies and cookies for dessert. What a spread! It was so good and we enjoyed spending time with great friends and family!
2. I attempted Chocolate Delight for the first time this weekend. Have you ever had it? Oh. my. word. It was one of my daddy's absolute favorites and since his birthday [and my granddad's birthday] was July 3rd and daddy would have been 56, I decided I would try it. Surprisingly, it turned out just like my mama and grandma make it! Wonder if they have chocolate delight, Little Debbie Swiss Rolls, and Hello Dollies in heaven because my goodness, did that man have a sweet tooth!

3. Speaking of my dad, July 5th also marked 3 years since he passed. This is always a bittersweet time of year. Still can't get over how fast the years are going by, yet that day still seems so vivid in my mind. Crazy to imagine how the next 3 years will speed by.

4. This week I'm also preparing for a wedding that I'm directing this weekend. Yes, that's a first. I've also helped coordinate some of the details [I wouldn't say "plan" because the bride is so on top of it]. I'm helping with the candy buffet, coffee bar, and favors - things like that. It's going to be a beautiful, fun wedding and we are so excited for the rehearsal Friday and wedding Saturday. However, I'm going to be one exhausted girl come Sunday!

5. Luckily I have Monday off too and we're planning a girls night in Greenville for that night to celebrate more birthdays! Can't wait.

6. Casey Anthony trial? I have no comment. Especially after I saw on Twitter today that she was thinking of having more kids [excuse me?] and may also get 750k for a book deal. Seriously, are. you. kidding. me. Disturbing, that's what that is.

So that's my week in a nut shell. Probably too busy to post anymore this week but will have a full wedding recap next week, so stay tuned...

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