Cade's 3 Year Survey

Thursday, February 5, 2015

I saw this on Pinterest and knew I had to get it started now that Cade is at a good age to understand questions and such. This is going to be so fun to do every year!

Cade, age 3

Nicknames: Baby Cade, Cade man

{the rest of these questions answered by him...}

How old are you? three

What is your favorite color? blue

What is your favorite animal? a cow

What is your favorite book? Scooby Dooby Doo one (which we don't have?)

What is your favorite TV show? Jake (and the Neverland Pirates)

What is your favorite movie? Frozen

What is your favorite song? Let it Go

What is your favorite food? pa-sketti (spaghetti)

What is your favorite drink? lemonade

What is your favorite breakfast food? waffles

What is your favorite snack? a pop-tart

What is your favorite outfit? this one (and points to shirt, which is his pajamas)

What is your favorite game? touchdown football

What is your favorite toy? pirate ship

Who is your best friend? Blakely

What is your favorite thing to do outside? blow bubbles

What is your favorite holiday? Christmas

What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Jake the pirate

Where is your favorite place to go? the playground

What is your favorite restaurant? McDonalds (ummm we never go there!)

Where do you want to go on vacation? Dollywood

What do you want to be when you grow up? a choo choo man

What did you do on your birthday? hmmmmmm (went to Chick-fil-A, played on playground, went to Party City & Target and he got a haircut)


  1. this whole thing made me LOL...:)

    1. he is so cray, no idea where some of those answers came from....oooooh but you know Cade! Lawd.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I love this!!!! How cute :) Happy Friday
    Chelsea @

  4. Replies
    1. it was so funny. no idea where he got some of those answers, but YES do it. years from now we will be glad we did! :)


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