one amazing Mother's Day weekend!!!!

Monday, May 14, 2018

What a weekend. Seriously, amazing!

First up, my bestie Beth and I had our SIXTH JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE CONCERT in Alpharetta, GA Friday night. His "Man of the Woods Tour"!!!! We've been looking forward to this since before Christmas...and ohhhhh did it feel like Christmas morning Friday morning. 

If you've ever been to a JT concert, then you know what I mean (and you know why we go to nearly every. single. one)

We got to Sugarloaf Parkway right around 5pm and it was perfect timing to hit up Arena Tavern for apps and drinks before the work crowd came piling in. The concert didn't start until 7:30 at Infinite Energy Arena.

Definitely hit up the merch table this time...FITTY DOLLA JUSTIN TEE + KOOZIE , HOLLA. 

meanwhile my own little "men of the woods" were at home with daddy having a blast too...

back to the concert... it was hazy, hot and nothing short of a Justin Timberlake club.

Ric Flair made an appearance....hahahahaha

my distressed denim jacket from Sugar is sold out but I hope to at least restock the fun necklace soon!
(YES, being extra in front of some random stranger's Range Rover...)

We drove back that night and didn't get home til almost 2am. One tired motha, but a great way to kick of the weekend and I thoroughly enjoyed my Mother's Day present to myself ;) 

Saturday we went over to a friend's lake place to help clean up some (for Chad's upcoming bday celebration) and do a little swimming and fishing...

It was HOT. 90+ degrees here in SC and we soaked up lots of sun + relaxed. I was excited just to have another Saturday off work! So much fun. 

On Sunday we planned on grilling and having my mom + sister/bro in law and the babies over so they could get out of the house, enjoy a change of scenery (remember they just had a new baby Monday) and enjoy a yummy meal.

I pulled out my grandma Hall's strawberry china for little bread plates/dessert plates

random pic, but our lilly's are blooming....and gorgeous...

Last week was crazy with two baseball games, the concert and all so Sunday was the first time Chad and Cade met baby Mack! Love at first sight, of course...

Cade is the best big cousin...

Yep, gang's all here!

lots of smooches. poor baby mack....he is SO LOVED though

since it was another hot day we had some sprinkler/ hose time out in the backyard...

then came back inside for store bought Cheesecake Factory cheesecake with strawberries. Oh and my boys got me a card, flower and the new Magnolia cookbook! It looks so good! Can't wait to try some things...

Grami with her newest grandbaby. So thankful for this woman and we are all thankful for this precious blessing/addition to our family...

playdoh happened next...

and yes I sat in the kitchen floor holding my nephew while playing with my niece and two boys (while my sister napped) and it was really the best Mother's Day ever....

So blessed and thankful for such an awesome weekend with family & friends!!!!!!!

Hope all of my mamas out there had a blessed day too. Next up, it's time to celebrate Chad's birthday this week =) the big 3-5. Stay tuned...

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