Cade is SIX

Saturday, February 3, 2018

I can't believe another year has flown by. 

Our big boy Cade is SIX today. SIX!!!!!!!

Yes, I still say it to myself over and over because I'm still in such disbelief.

For his birthday I thought I would document six things about our Cade!

1. He still is at that age where he will pretty much wear whatever I ask him to wear but the child LOVES "P.E. pants" (his UnderArmor, etc...) and elastic waist pull on jeans. He also is getting funny about his shoes now and only wants to wear his Nike tennis shoes. All my boy-mom friends told me it was coming. The day when he ONLY wants to wear his "P.E. clothes" is soon approaching. HA! 

2. He is the BEST big brother and big cousin (to Macy). Not just saying this y'all. My Charlie is short tempered and he gets jealous of Macy sometimes and they fight and the list goes on and on....but for the most part Cade is so patient with the younger ones. If one is upset he will seriously sit there and do whatever it takes to make them happy, even if it means giving up the toy he was playing with. He is our people pleaser and he certainly always tries to put a smile on their faces! 

(side note, but so it's documented: he chipped his front tooth on Halloween this past Halloween and you can see it in this pic. LOL) 

3. He has ALWAYS been our water baby. He absolutely loves the beach (where our Charlie would be content just inside). Cade lives in the water, the sunshine and isn't afraid to get dirty while holding fish or baiting hooks or anything else. He loves adventure and loves being outdoors!!! Whether it's at the beach or in the dove field with his daddy, he's there.

4. Like I said, he's a little monkey who loves the outdoors. He has always been a ball of energy. Charlie is our more laid back, chill child while our Cade will be nearly jumping out of his skin and keeps us on our toes at all times! He is so imaginative (loves playing police man or doctor with his dress up clothes...) He has always loved sports and this year picked up soccer (and was good at it!!!) He is sure to be our little athlete too. 

5. This was a HUGE year for Cade as he started public school and began Kindergarten. While some mornings he dreads going (he is not a morning person and gets this honest from me!) he does so well in school and has loved it so far. He even got Terrific Kid on his second or third month. Again, being a people pleaser he tends to be so sensitive if he thinks he ISN'T doing his best or being the best....but he gives it his all and makes sure every night that he has his homework done perfectly and even has to remind me some mornings to not forget to sign the papers, etc... #momfail 

6. We couldn't be more proud of this child. He does have his days where he fights like hell with his younger brother or argues with us because he doesn't want to take a bath/shower, get up for school, etc... but overall he minds and he has the sweetest, most compassionate heart which makes this mama's heart burst with pride. He is so content, so humble and so appreciative of others. He really also enjoys the little things each and every day. Doesn't take much to please him.

 I can remember the day we brought him home and I was nursing him by myself in his nursery sitting in the rocker/glider and tears just started streaming down my face. TEARS OF JOY!!!!!!!!! I was just so, so happy (and hormonal of course) that God had given us this precious gift we had prayed for , for soooo long. 

He has been nothing but that from that very day.... a true GIFT of pure JOY.

Excited for the year ahead and all of our new adventures! 


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