// five on friday // packing for Summer vacays

Friday, June 9, 2017

I've been prepping for Summer vacays lately and wanted to highlight a few of my favorite finds! 

// one // 

New. Lilly. Sailboat. Print. 

Need I say more? 

The new "Beach and Bae" print just landed at Sugar and I love this Tamiami OTS Top for $64! It's an easy to wear knit (which I love because who can do silk in the sweater Summertime?) that's easy to wash and wear. We also have the accessories and pink shorts in stock too! Fun little outfit for a night out at the beach.

I'll actually be packing this new Meredith Tunic. A loose, flowy tunic style tee that's easy breezy and lightweight slub cotton. Just how I like them! Great deal at less than $50.

// two // 

Speaking of items to pack for vacay this Summer, my new favorite one-piece is ON SALE and I just snagged another great color last week during Macy's Memorial Day SALE. They've got lots of great colors, but I got the royal blue at Dillard's last Summer and loved it, so I bought the exact same in emerald green for this year. Still a pricey suit at $81 on sale, but well worth it when I find a good one I love...and that FITS. Swimsuits are so hard!!!

I love that it 1. has underwire because I need it 2. also has padding 3. ruching over tummy is fabulous! It's seriously the most flattering one piece I've found and the most comfy too. 

// three // 

So what other beach essentials? Well I'm hoping to unplug a lot more this Summer and actually do some reading (even if it's just magazines, because hey I'm not too good with books). I did pick up these two! Love Chip & Jo and Lord knows I need some help with this hormonal skin of mine...

// four // 

While we're talking about skin, how about favorite SUNSCREENS? Now in my 30s, I've finally wised up and decided it's not a good idea to EVER go outside without sunscreen on and I've also gotten really picky about my sunscreens. There's so many nasty chemicals in them! 

A sure fire brand that will NEVER include those gross chemicals in their products is Beautycounter. I love their Protect All Over Sunscreen and have been using for a couple years now. It's perfect because one tube is great for the entire family. Whether Charlie was 6 months or whether it's for my husband. It's safe for all. 

I also picked up NO AD SPF 50 Kids Sunscreen to have on hand as well! 

// five // 

Finally, since this is beach related I couldn't help but to share a "Friday Flashback" of my boys at Fripp Island, SC last Summer. I can't believe how much Charlie has grown and we can't wait to make new memories this year. Vacay can't get here fast enough!


  1. I've been eyeing that new LP top for quite some time. I love the off the shoulder style so much, but I have so many clothes in You Gotta Regatta I can't make myself buy yet another sailboat, yet…I'm waiting until that big sale in August! :)

    1. absolutely because you know they'll have it :) it's such a fun print for Summer!


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