:: showering miss macy ::

Monday, October 3, 2016

Confession: I have dreamed of hosting fun showers in our new home from the moment we picked out the house plan. I love throwing a good party or shower and was particularly hoping my sister would one day be blessed with a baby and I could host a baby shower for her. The ultimate dream come true...

and well, that happened last weekend!

I still can't believe we are adding a baby girl to the fam. If you are new to the blog, I have three nephews and two boys of my own - which I adore them ALL with every ounce of my being, BUT a baby girl to buy pink for and equally spoil? It seriously has me tickled pink. No pun intended.

One of the only things we knew my sister Courtney wanted when envisioning her baby shower was lots and lots of flowers. Three of her best friends since elementary school + myself set out to make sure that happened as the hostesses with the mostesses :)

I stopped by a local floral shop + hit up Wal-Mart for some of the prettiest flowers around. Courtney also had a floral arrangement at her bridal shop that I may or may not have stolen and proceeded to spruce it up a bit and use as the main arrangement on the food table. 

and as you see, it all worked out perfectly. I am a sucker for presentation...

Here's more scenes around the house...

I bagged up some of the cookies in case anyone wanted to take them home, especially any littles that were there. our little elephant got dressed up for the event with tassel garland I had at Sugar.

fun vases from Hobby Lobby...

Sydney whipped up these letters and she did an amazing job! She purchased everything at Hobby Lobby. Fabulous {and inexpensive!} DIY. Courtney is going to use them in the nursery and I can't wait to see.

Best Wishes for Baby I purchased on Etsy at Fine and Dandy Paperie. Everyone had fun filling these out and I purchased a cute black & white striped / floral 8x8 scrapbook from Hob Lob and plan to put the wishes for baby in the scrapbook, along with photos I will print from the shower. My bestie did this for me at my baby shower for Cade and it's something I'll always treasure!

Moving on to the cookies. OHHHHH the cookies. 

Aly Smith in Anderson, SC is a cookie genius. Seriously. Not only is she an extremely talented cookie artist, she also makes them taste as good as they look. Now that's talent! 

She's the sweetest thing and let me borrow this gorgeous mint tiered serving piece so it would match the shower theme! She's the best.

seriously die over these cookies. almost too pretty to eat!

cucumber and strawberry water + sweet tea on my Target barcart that you can usually find over at Courtney's store, Voila, because she uses way more than me for her "bridal parties" than I do. I got this for a steal and it always comes in handy no matter which one of us is using... 

this pic was taken as soon as I added the raspberry sherbert, but it quickly turned a blush pink throughout. get the yummy punch recipe HERE.

the mama-to-be with all the hostesses. she's been best friends with all of us (well, she didn't have a choice with me of course! HA) since she was little. they've all grown up together and are the BEST of friends. they're basically my little sisters too!

how cute is this sign one of her friends painted?

she got sooo many sweet things. i can't wait to help her organize the nursery. i don't know who's nesting more, me or her?

the prettiest monogrammed quilt to go with her white bedding

Cade and Charlie came back over with Mimi towards the end of the shower. He wasn't letting me get a pic without him in it...

It really was such a perfect day! So many friends and family showed up and Macy is already one loved little girl. We can't wait for her to arrive at the end of November!!!


  1. What a darling baby shower!! I love it

    1. thanks lady! if i look really tired in these pics, it because I was!!! HAHA so much work but SO WORTH IT. Fun day!


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