mother's day

Sunday, May 8, 2016

"Everything I am or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel mother"
- Abraham Lincoln

This has always been one of my absolute favorite quotes because more truer words were never spoken. My mama is my rock. She is the epitome of a Proverbs 31 woman and she is every bit of a role model {and more} to my sister and I. 

We have all been through so much in our lifetime and her strength never fails us.

I owe everything I am to her and love her more than words could ever say!

Mama came to church with us today and then we came home to eat steaks, baked potato, and salad that Chad cooked for us! Charles {mom's boyfriend and the absolute sweetest thing} joined us too. We hated my sister and brother-in-law were on the way home from Asheville {his sister got married yesterday} but it was a great lunch and I am so glad we snapped these photos on the front porch sitting in my mother's day present...a new front porch glider to match our black front porch rocking chairs!! Chad and his dad put it together last night, just in the nick of time and my mother-in-law played inside with the boys. She's another good one. She has always done so much for us and treated me like her own. The boys think she hung the moon and she's definitely "my other mama". Very thankful for her!

"The most precious jewels you'll ever have around your neck are the arms of your children"
- unknown

I wore blue today in honor of my boys. 

It was an extra special mother's day as my first mother's day with DOUBLE blessings! I really don't ever remember seeing myself as a mom to all boys, but my word did the Lord know what he was doing and I am glad His plan is far greater than my own. Can't imagine life any other way.

They are the light of my life and I don't know how I got so lucky...

but I thank God for these two precious blessings each and every day.

Motherhood has strengthened me, yet weakened me all at the same time. It has humbled me. It has taught me more about myself (and about my husband and our love for one another) than I ever imagined. It is by far the most challenging, yet rewarding, thing I have ever done and I consider it to be my biggest blessing.

Happy Mother's Day to all of you hardworking mamas out there.
I hope your day was filled with sweet slober kisses and hugs around your neck!


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