Weight: 23.5 lb // Length: 30 inches
Diapers: Size 4 // Sleepers: 12-18mo // Clothing: 12 mo
Shoe Size: not sure but his feet are huge!!
Shoe Size: not sure but his feet are huge!!
Teeth: two on bottom and two coming in at top
Can't believe our little roly poly is seven months already! The outfit he's wearing in pic is 12 months and in honor of SUPERBOWL WEEK and his big brother's football party that's also happening Sunday. So much to celebrate this weekend! (and i hope i remember to bring home my big camera because I definitely just did these with the ol' trusty iPhone)
Here's what our seven month old Charlie has been up to...
- the teething still SUCKS. He's got his bottom front two teeth but instead of getting the top two front, he's getting the ones on the side of those and looks like a vampire. Those things have GOT to hurt. Ouch. Poor baby has had several sleepless nights and we have spent a fortune on Tylenol and teething meds lately. I feel like nothing works.
- He still eats like a champ. He loves the apples/bananas with oatmeal baby food for breakfast then loves Mac & Cheese baby food for dinner or really ANYTHING. We've definitely been trying lots of new ones now that he's sitting and basically crawling.
- Speaking of crawling, no he's not on all fours yet but he can definitely do his little "army crawl" all over the house! He will try to follow you around everywhere.
- He also tries to follow you around in his walker. Now THAT is what he can go fast in. He will literally do circles all around the house, it's hilarious.
- He tries to pull up now, well if he is sitting in your lap and you are holding his hands then he tries to use he legs to stand. Also he likes to slide out of your lap and then stand on the floor with you holding his hands. He bounces up and down, will sit down on floor then tries to pull himself up again to stand. His legs are so strong!!
- His eyes are still very much blue!!! Crazy!
- He plays with this "Batman Cave" that Cade got for Christmas more than Cade does. I swear it's like Charlie's favorite things. If Cade is in a sweet mood, they will play together with it and it is priceless...but then Cade has his moods where Charlie will start "crawling" over and he will yell at him. HA! Poor Charlie.
- His hair is growing a lot more now and I am eager to see what the doctor says tomorrow about his head shape. I really think it's evened out and rounded out so much better
- He is still so laid back and our little ray of sunshine. Even when he's sick (which he's been congested lately) and wakes up with his eyes matted together (awful!) he still wakes up with a smile on his face. Very much unlike me and his big brother, but he's a morning person like his daddy!
- He still gets up about once a night (ok, sometimes with this teething it's more than once...ugh) but he just takes about 6 oz and goes right back to sleep)
- He babbles a lot lately. I can hear him say "mama" and "da da" but of course he has no idea what the heck he's saying
- He loves when I hold him and dance around the room. He loves to be tickled too! Laughs and laughs.
- He also will do this little "shy face" when he hasn't seen my mom for a few days and she comes in and makes a huge ordeal about seeing her little love bug, oh he will just grin so big and bury his head in my chest and act like he's so shy. It's the sweetest thing ever.
My mom has said all along that Charlie is the spitting image of me (and I am the spitting image of my daddy, his namesake). A lot of people do say he looks like Chad, but what do y'all think? I couldn't resist comparing these two roly poly's. ha! #hegetitfromhismama
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Charlie on left and me on the right |
Regardless whether he's my mini-me or not, one this for sure he is my BABY DOLL.
Oh my gaaaaah I love this little booger so much and pretty sure I am spoiling him rotten, but I just can't help it. Wish I could freeze time and keep him this sweet age forever. Next up, he's going to be crawling...walking...aka into everything. Eeesh.
Excited for another month of fun and watching him grow!!
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