random weekend recap

Monday, February 15, 2016

We had a pretty lazy weekend, with nothing on the agenda and it felt fabulous. 

Friday night Cade attempted his first sleepover (somewhere other than his gparents or cousins) for his bff Brantley but he didn't make it through the whole night. Nope, we went to pick him up at 11:30pm because he was still wide awake. Luckily Brantley's mom is also my bff and it was all totally fine, I told them we would attempt again soon! HA I know he had a ball though...they roasted smores and there was a house full of SIX boys. Lots of wild and craziness I'm sure.

Saturday morning called for coffee out of my new mug my sis-in-law gave me for my birthday! Queen-4-LIFE in this household of all boys :)

It was also a day of early-Spring cleaning and organizing and lots of matching games, playing with the Batman cave, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, and more. This pic melts my heart...

Sunday was Valentine's Day and we were off to cousin Blain's baby dedication! The only pic I got of the two littlest, who are seven weeks apart (Charlie being the younger of the two but yet the BIGGEST. HA!)

Attempting a pic when we got home...

"Cade put your head next to Charlie's head for a pic!" 

"MY HAND???" 

"No! Your HEAD!"

This look. KILLS me. 

Mimi and Papa came over to watch the boys for a few hours while Chad and I went to our old house and met Court & Mack to finish cleaning out some things of our dads (8 years after his passing...) in his shops/barns because we think we finally have the place sold (huge praise but all very, very bittersweet...sentimental...so many emotions)

Casually found a pic of dad (dark hair, white polo) with Julia Roberts when she was here in Abbeville filming the 1991 hit "Sleeping with the Enemy". Dad had a car dealership and provided cars for the movie, assisted in transportation, etc...

He later went on to help with two other movies as well...

one of which had Elijah Woods & Thora Birch. Look how YOUNG they were here...

So yeah that's my dad's somewhat claim to fame and it was fun to find so many great pics and memories we will preserve and cherish for a lifetime. We've got so much more to do. I am just SO glad next weekend is set to be much warmer because being outdoors yesterday in 30 degrees = brutal. I am so over this cold weather. C'mon SPRING!

and if you're still reading this oh-so-random weekend recap, here's a reminder that we're doing FREE SHIPPING over at www.scsugar.com and you'll find extra discounts on our SALE page. Prices are going down, down, down and there's a variety from last Summer to Fall to choose from! Jude Connally, Lilly Pulitzer, Joy Joy, and more. Time to stock up!

Hope everyone has a HAPPY MONDAY!

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