:: charlie update ::

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Just a little update on "the littlest JCM" after his 4 month well check...

well, he isn't going to be "the littlest" for long at the rate he is growing!

6 month outfit I literally squeezed him into
Praise the Lord for a healthy baby at his 4 month check up. Here's the kicker...
Chad asks me everytime "So what percentage is he in for height? weight?"

My response this time? "99th for both. Only because that is as high as it goes"

No kidding. Kid is OFF THE CHARTS! 

Woohoo Charlie!!!!!!

He is a whopping 19.12 pounds (yes, you read that right) and 27 1/4 inches long. 

His pediatrician's exact words (when she lifted him up) were "Can you say linebacker???"

But yet he looks so tiny in his new Pello pillow I got him. Why did I not buy this sooner? New moms...add to your registry. He loves!!!

He also looooooooves his bubba. Oh my word, there is a photo of my sister Courtney and I at about these same ages (we are four years apart, Cade and Charlie are 3.5) and she was pulling my hair (which she did CONSTANTLY!) I think it's hilarious. They are just the sweetest together now and I love seeing Charlie finally getting to interact with Cade. Whether it's pulling his hair, smiling and laughing at him, etc... it melts. my. heart.

We are giving him baby food now. Bananas, pears, and apples. He seems to love bananas the most and gobbles it up, let me tell you. I could just kiss on those sweet cheeks and squeeze those big ol' thighs all day long. Mmmm. Love my chunky monkey and again, so thankful that he had a great checkup. Dr. Fuqua is still checking his head "roundness" but no helmet needed so far. He also got four more shots and took them like a champ (I mean, how did he even feel them with those thighs, right? ;) Everything was great - it just pains my heart that he is growing up THIS FAST. Charlie bug, can you please please please stay little forever? 

[cue the ugly cry here]

1 comment:

  1. ugh! miss those boys so much! HAVE to schedule a visit next time i'm in town.


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