:: fathers day weekend ::

Monday, June 22, 2015

 We had another fun, relaxing Summer weekend. This is all I want or can do at this point. I clean around the house and do what I can in the mornings, then I just want to float in the pool or relax the rest of the day. 37.5 weeks in the 102 heat index heat is no joke.

Saturday that's just what we did, enjoyed some pool time. Cade is so serious about his sunscreen stick. He tried to slather it on everyone (i mean, praise the Lord at least he likes it) and then himself.

He was so tired Saturday afternoon, we both came home for naps while we had a thunderstorm. Now that is a fabulous Saturday afternoon if you ask me. We had friends surprise us and stop by that evening and it ended up being a chill, fun day. 

Yesterday, Father's Day, is always a toughie for me. I miss my dad soooo ridiculously much. It makes it even worse that I'm super pregnant, hormonal, and really overwhelmingly sad that both my boys will never know their "Pop Pop". I just remind myself that he is our guardian angel, along with both my granddads and it gives me such peace. Also joy when I look back through photos and think of all the memories made...AND I have such joy when I look at my husband, who is such a great daddy and I appreciate him so incredibly much.

My sister Courtney brought over these gorgeous hydrangeas from her mother in law's house on Saturday. When Chad woke up Cade gave him his card (with his gift card in it...yep, about all this mama could do this year) and we had mickey mouse pancakes (Cade's request).

We didn't make it to church but we had lunch at Chad's parents. Since it was the first official day of Summer and "National Wear Your Lilly Day", Cade had to rock his vintage Lilly shorts. Hand-me-downs from his older cousins.

Really wish Lilly still included a few boys and mens styles in the line! 
Boys can wear Lilly too :) 

We enjoyed lunch and celebrated my awesome father in law and Chad's papa Jack! 
Thankful to have these men in our lives. They're the best. After lunch it was more pool time and man was it HOT. We had to be in the pool or either in the shade. My poor nephew Jackson had an accident on the concrete where he busted his chin and had to go to the ER for stitches. Pray sweet boy heals soon!So I was on baby duty while Holly and Monica took him to the ER and I swear, these newborn baby feet are the. best. things. ever.

I could just eat him up! Loved spending time with him and getting lots of practice for what's to come...

The countdown is on. So ready for Charlie to get here so I can kiss on his sweet baby feet and those sweet baby cheeks all day long. COME ON BABY CHARLIE!!!

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