catching up...

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

This is such a random post, but I've been so crazy busy I haven't had time to blog about anything so here's what we've been up to...all wrapped up into one post. 

So yeah, I picked out Sugar's Christmas wrapping paper on October 1st. Can you believe it? We always do something non-traditional with black and pink so this year we're keeping it simple with black and metallic gold stripes (you know I am all about some gold right now) and a bright hot pink ribbon. I think it's going to look so glam and I can even use the leftover paper after Christmas. Can't wait to wrap up some Sugar sweet presents for my sweet customers to place under their trees! 

Speaking of Sugar, it has been non-stop with new Fall arrivals. We do photoshoots each week and then it's editing, posting to Facebook, posting to website, posting to Instagram...then ya gotta tweet it and pin it. Have I mentioned how exhausting social media is? I use to think the new social media jobs were a joke, with people getting paid to "tweet all day". No way this is for real. Well, no. Now I realize that if I could afford someone just to do all those things, I'd hire them in a heartbeat. This is the way of the future people!!! Seriously, amazing. Social media has changed the face of businesses (especially retail) forever.

Little man has enjoyed lots of dining al-fresco with this amazing Fall weather we've been having.
Even if it is just gummy bears (I promise that's not all he eats)

Picture from Mrs Kim's because Carter and Cade always dress alike coincidently. Then I remember, well Cade does have Carter's entire wardrobe from last year so there ya go. Love me some hand-me-downs...and these three cuties.

This is such a fun age because Cade loves holidays and is so excited about everything now. Take Halloween, for instance. One day we walked around Party City and you would have thought the child was at Disneyworld. He was amazed. Then my mom has this ghost she bought and they've named him "Mr. Boo" (so original). Cade had to have a pic the other night.

This past weekend I enjoyed a fun girl's night on Saturday.  It was super casual, laid back just threw on a Carolina tee until I totally forgot that I was walking into a house full of Kentucky and Clemson fans. Prayed my Gamecocks wouldn't let me down, but apparently I didn't pray hard enough. 

We spent the rest of the weekend cleaning out/purging/packing. We have so much to do, trust me we need to utilize every pretty Fall weekend we get.

I've also had some sweet friends visit Sugar that I haven't seen in a while! One with the cutest baby boy, Colt.  I had the best time giving him a tour of Sugar while mommy shopped. Such a sweet baby, but I sensed he was throwing shade at my selfies, no? Hilarious.

Of course we've been making house progress, but nothing too crazy as far as stress and decision making (yet). Best thing is the sheetrock is hung and it looks soooo different inside now. Finally starting to seem so real! More updates on all that later.

Last but not least, busy jam-packed days mean we haven't taken Cade to pumpkin patch or bought any pumpkins. I come home from work late last night when Chad and Cade come walking through the door holding two big pumpkins. Yes, my sweet husband took Cade to Crawford's store (bc he said Cade wanted chewing gum from Crawfords?? Spoiled) then took him to this small tree nursery nearby that sold pumpkins. Chad carved his pumpkin, while me and Cade just took a Sharpie market to ours.

in the living big deal...

This kid loves to draw, that's for sure...and he wasn't letting his pumpkin go. So proud!
Again, I love this precious age. So much fun and it makes me even more excited for Christmas this year...

Which by the way, when you ask Cade what he wants to be for Halloween, he says "a Christmas tree" 

Yeah, that's what happens when you take ya child into Hob Lob in October!!! So confused.

Bless it.

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