We had one excited little fella on Sunday morning...
Checking out what the Easter bunny brought him
After church we headed to Grami's for Easter lunch with Aunt Coco and Uncle Mack. We had a honey baked ham and all the trimmings. So yum! This is the best family pic we could get this year...
Then we tried to get Cade to take a pic with Uncle Mack and Aunt Coco and enter two year old temper tantrum. It was hilarious. He threw that head back and everything. Oh so hard to be a toddler, I tell ya!
After his mini trantrum, he did manage to show some love to Teagan...his bff.
Easter surprises from Grami and Charles!
After lunch and flying kites at Grami's, Cade took a quick nap on the way to Chad's grandma McClain's for an Easter Egg Hunt with his cousins.
Here's the "bopsy twins". Seriously cousin Carter is three and Cade is two and we DID not plan to dress them alike, but they look like twins most of the time! Cade is almost as big as Carter.
They also refer to each other as "my buddy". It is the absolute sweetest thing ever.
They are not only cousins, but the best of friends!
They loved hunting for eggs, then we attempted to get ONE picture of all five McClain great-grands. It is never a small feat. Jackson is covering his ears because we were all screaming like crazy mad men so the little ones would look up. Someone should really get that on video. Out of about thirty pics I took, this is the best. I'm not joking...
So then I just took a pic of all their sweet matching Easter baskets.
Does anyone see anything wrong with this picture. Hmmmm, I think somebody is an egg thief what do you think?? Too funny.
See, they are so loving one minute, just the sweetest little things...
then you get THIS the next minute...
ha, boys will be boys!
Oh then more egg hunting and Cade found the "prize egg" and said "I'm gonna put in pocket". Except he didn't have pockets, so what did he do? Try to stuff the money in his shirt.
Egg thief and a hoarder. Nice.
After the egg hunt at grandmamas, we went to Chad's parents and had an Easter dinner with that side of the fam. It was such a gorgeous day and let me tell you, by the time we got home at 9:30 pm, Cade was wore out. He slept good that night. Love fun days with family and thankful for a risen Savior.
Easter gives us so much to celebrate and so much to be thankful for!!
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