our little boy.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

 I was going to have a lovely recap of our weekend, but since the stomach bug of 2K13 hit our household Sunday (well solely with me, Chad just had a touch of it), I really have nothing to report. Well that you would want to hear anyways. Ugh, it was awful and I missed helping host one of my best friend's baby showers that I had been SO excited about. What timing. 

We did manage to squeeze in a little fun before the terrible bug hit. Friday night we had a fun family night out at our favorite local Mexican restaurant and a trip to Sam's to get things for the baby shower! 
This kid is serious about his chips and salsa. Yes, salsa! Mild, of course. 
Mexican food lover just like his mama...

Then Saturday morning was a BIG deal. Cade's first official haircut. Sure, I had trimmed his bangs myself a few times but it was time to cut off the curls. WHAAAAHH! Chad wasn't all for it, but I knew that we needed to trim it up because as pretty as it looked, it was also a bit out of control and a la' Billy Ray Cyrus if you know what I mean. Heehee.

Here's the "before" (*sniff sniff*)

Mr. Chip getting started. Cade looked terrified.

then ALL done. Such a big boy!

Chad just couldn't believe the difference it made. He kept saying "doesn't even look like my boy!" Oh but he was the same little mischievous Cade who climbs onto the end table in his pjs. Yep, same kid.

Now he just looks more like he's five than a baby. 

Yep, officially looks like a little boy and OH how I love this little boy...

Since it was also the first day of Fall on Sunday, I managed to decorate the house a little yesterday once I "came back to life". Well, who am I kidding...I really only threw out these two tiny glitter pumpkins, an "It's Fall Y'all" hand towel and new Clove & Cinnamon melts in my Scentsy, but hey, that's good enough for now...

Maybe Chad can grab our Fall wreath and pumpkin door sign out of storage soon.
I really do love Fall, as sad as I am to see Summer go. I welcome cooler temps, all things pumpkin and fun Fall jackets and booties...oh, and new hair cuts :) Bring. it. on.


  1. He looks so grown up with his haircut! He's just adorable!

  2. Aww Cade looks so precious!! I love Summer too but, I'm happy to see Fall arriving. We don't have many of the "open the windows & enjoy the beautiful weather" days but, the last week we have & it's been amazing!! Hope y'all are all feeling better!


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