
Monday, August 27, 2012

Well at almost 7 months Cade made his first visit to the doctor for something other than a "check up", 
I noticed he was burning up with a fever at 5:30am yesterday when he woke up. Fever stayed high all day. Only way kept it down was with Tylenol,  but really no other symptoms. He kept pulling on his ears so I called this morning since fever had not ceased and see if we needed to come in. We went this afternoon and Dr. said she's seen so many babies past two weeks with this "mysterious virus" where the only symptoms are high fever, loss of appetite, not feeling well, etc... I'm just thankful it wasn't an ear infection which they said was common along with teething. Yet even though the exam looked good they still had to take a urine sample and blood sample. Not good. He. was. pitiful. We even had to go next door to the hospital for the bloodwork. What a day! Luckily she said the fever seemed to cease after 3 days and babies started feeling back to normal after about five. 

This was him waiting in the doctor's office, giving someone the stare down - per the usual. Poor baby had no idea what was about to happen. 

This is pretty much how he has been since yesterday morning but I think we are getting a glimpse of the light at the end of the tunnel. He's been more playful today and he is so tough.

Having never seen him sick, this definitely broke my heart. All he has wanted is to be held and rocked. My plans were to accomplish so much around the house Sunday then so much at work today but again, tell God your plans and he will laugh. Such a reminder that it's all in HIS hands and even though I haven't got much actual "sleep" over the past two days, I've enjoyed being able to rest, sit in a recliner all day and snuggle on my precious baby. Thankful he is feeling better this evening and hope we don't have to see the doctor's office until his 9 month check up. Hope to finally do a post of what he's been up to lately. One word: crawler.

1 comment:

  1. poor little guy! bryce had a fever when he was younger and they didn't know what it was. they treated it as h1n1 because it was going around at the time, even though he didn't have any symptoms of it. a few days later he broke out in a rash. I was affraid he was allergic to the tamiflu so we went back to the doctor. Turned out it was not h1n1, he wasn't allergic to tamiflu, but it was Roseola.


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