guest bedroom projects

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Last week I went to Hobby Lobby and made several purchases. It was time to get crafty. 

I'll have to show you what we made at our "girls craft night" last Friday, but first here's a few projects I'm working on for our guest bedroom re-do.

Several weeks ago I saw this gallery wall on Pinterest and fell in love with it. Knew it would be perfect above the daybed in the guest bedroom. I began researching the whimsical wooden frames but never pulled the trigger and ordered. Well I'm glad I didn't.

During my browse at Hobby Lobby last week I came across these! Can you believe it?
The most expensive was $24.99 but then they were ALL 1/2 off! 
A little coat of white spraypaint and you've accomplished the same look for a lot less.

I had fabric already that I wanted to use so I purchased an 8x10 canvas (2pack at Hob Lob was $3.99) and then a "paper cardboard letter" M ($2.99) that's very lightweight and perfect. 

You wrap your canvas in the fabric. You can staple but I just used hot glue gun.

Then I spray painted the "M" yellow as a complimentary color to the fabric and the light green walls. Attach it with hot glue gun and voila!

You can even get a thicker canvas for more depth but this was all I wanted. The letter adds enough.

This isn't the wall we're putting it on (this is in sunroom) but it shows how it looks on the wall.

This isn't really a "guest bedroom project" but I threw it in this post. The same yellow spray paint I used  for the letter, I used to paint basic terra cotta pots.

Then I added a black monogram decal I snagged at market for $3 bucks. Now I just need to finish planting my flowers!
(the letter looks crooked but maybe it's the angle? I promise it's not that bad!)

Next up, I purchased this small wooden tray from Hob Lob for $1.99.

Fresh coat of metallic gold paint and you've got an awesome accent tray for the side table I'm using in guest bedroom. Going to order a preppy circle monogram in pink or aqua from my favorite Etsy shop to accent the middle of the tray. Great little home decor item or gift for less than $6 or $7 bucks. They even have larger wooden trays too.

Oh and remember this little guy from TJ Maxx for $4.99?

Spraypaint metallic gold and he instantly looks more expensive than $4.99. Going to perch him up on the bookcase somewhere as an accent piece in the guest bedroom.

Stay tuned for more post as I will reveal the photo gallery wall once I get it finished this weekend. 
Off to spray paint the frames! 


  1. love all your hob lob crafts. so impressed and it has inspired me to get to hob's been WAY too long.

  2. Do me a favor and "clone" your craft gene and give it to me!!!! I am not crafty whatsoever! Although the metallic spray painted tray seems like something I could accomplish haha!

    1. haha yes just go buy you some metallic spray paint and a tray....or little elephant ;) You can do it!

  3. These all look so awesome & you did them for way cheap! Great job! I might have to get crafty this weekend, I haven't been in a while!


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