First Roadtrip

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Few weekends ago we went to Boone to celebrate Chad's cousin, Jackie, graduation from App State! We hadn't seen the fam since Christmas, even with Uncle Brian passing away we weren't able to attend the funeral since I was around 37 weeks pregnant. We missed them so much and it was SO good to see everyone. We were able to meet Abigail (new baby cousin) and they finally got to meet Cade. Papa Jack and Grandma Frieda now have SIX great grand babies under the age of 5 :) How fun is that? Love all these sweet babies!

Here's Cade ready to make his first road trip (3+ hours)
"You think you got enough toys on this thing?"
Spending my first Mother's Day weekend with my baby boy!
We stayed in a cabin with Chad's parents and sister's family. The boys LOVED
 loving on their baby cousin. They are so sweet together.
Beautiful baby Abigail Rose! The newest addition, only about 4 weeks old!
Congrats Jackie! So proud of her!
Brianne, Jackie's sister, and mom to Claire & baby Abigail

Sweet Claire, the new big sister!

love this. Jackson wouldn't pose for pics and I guess Carter thought that was funny!

I love how the men (our husbands - Chad, Josh [Brianne's hubs], and Wayne [Monica's hubs]) manage to NEVER get in pics! When the camera comes out, they get to running. Never fails.

As you can see Cade had a great time visiting his cousins! He did better than I thought on the ride up there and back. We stopped both times to eat, stretch and feed him. 

The trip would have been better had we not all got struck by the dreaded stomach virus. I felt so bad for my nephews when they started to get sick, as well as my sis in law. They were pitiful :( Hopefully we will all have better luck on our next visit to Boone, which I hope is SOON!

1 comment:

  1. He is so darn cute! It looks like you all had fun. I hope your family starts feeling better soon.


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