
Thursday, September 8, 2011

When I first started this blog it was just a way to showcase my hobby at the time, photography. Then I began jotting down posts about fashion, our weekend happenings, pictures of the fam, etc... still thinking who on earth would want to read this or think this was remotely interesting?

Flash forward months down the road and I've actually connected with several inspiring women through the crazy little world of blogging. It's really been a fun, creative outlet for me and also a way to showcase more about my business. I'll have to share more stories later and fill you in on some of my favorite blogs, but in the mean time I've got an exciting giveaway to work on for you guys:)

Thanks for joining along as I share bits and pieces of my daily life as I juggle owning my own business, becoming a new mom, and being a wifie. Trust me, this will be interesting!

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