How does your family grow?

Thursday, July 28, 2011

So yes, we are that family.

The family that takes pics on the beach every year [very much against our husbands' wills] because we love to see how much we change each year and how our family grows. When my dad passed away, I cherished each and every photo of him and only wished I had taken more. Now I guess I'm a bit of a photo-holic, but I'll do whatever it takes to savor every sweet memory we make. Time with family is precious and sometimes with our busy schedules, rare, so I love capturing these memories!

We began taking the "self timer fam pic" during beach vaca with my in-laws
in Garden City 2009. The twins were 2 1/2.
i think monica and I were the only ones wanting to smile this year!
Our first year at Fripp Island - 2010. The twins were 3 1/2 and Monica was 5 months pregnant with sweet little Carter. We were a family of 8 going on 9 and couldn't wait to meet Carter in December!!
Fripp 2011
Wow, it was SO windy! Look at sweet Carter, now 7 months and the twins are 4 1/2.
Time sure does fly by.
We are a family of 9 now, soon to be 10.

Yes, I said soon to be 10.

Next year "Mimi & Papa" will have FOUR grandbabies at the beach.

This year, it is moi who is expecting!

disclaimer: This is the one and only "bump" picture you are going to get because I am soooo
not comfortable good at this! Jewitte, this is just for you! :)
Excited to finally share the news of our wonderful new blessing and I'll post details soon.

"The Lord has done great things for us and we are filled with joy" - Psalm 126:3


  1. Whoo hoo!!! I am so excited for you, Sandy!! What a blessing babies are. I have 2 precious baby girls, and you can't even imagine the love you're going to feel once you see that little face looking back at you. Then how much MORE you love them once the fog of hormones lifts! It just gets better!

    Best wishes and love to you and your growing family!

  2. um...this post almost brought a sweet baby tear to my eye! that and my sweet letter from "Baby McClain" i have on my bulletin board in my room. Can't wait to meet that sweet baby in February!

  3. Awww, I am so excited for you!!! :)


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