passionate and pink.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and time to THINK PINK!
Breast cancer is the number #2 cause of cancer among women, with skin cancer being #1.
This past weekend my friends and I participated in Susan G. Komen's Race for the Cure 5k in Greenville, SC. It's become a tradition for me, since I began participating in college with my sorority, Zeta Tau Alpha having Susan G Komen as their national philanthropy. I learned SO much about breast cancer risks and prevention during my four years as a ZTA, and I also passed out hundreds of "self exam shower cards", served as a PR chair for our annual golf tournament - which my senior year raised $36,000 for Susan G Komen, and I truly became passionate about breast cancer research and prevention.

Zeta Tau Alpha sorority began an association with Susan G. Komen for the Cure® in 1992 when it became the first national sponsor of the Race for the Cure’s National Series Breast Cancer Survivor Recognition Program. Ever since, ZTA has provided the signature pink T-shirts and caps for participants to wear during the race. As part of the Survivor Program, ZTA also provides pink “In Memory Of” and “In Celebration Of” back signs for participants to wear during the Race for the Cure events so they may race in honor of a friend or loved one. The ZTA Foundation also provides an educational item for each Race participant, such as the ZTA Breast-Self Examination (BSE) Calendar Reminder Stickers. ZTA is a member of the Komen Million Dollar Council donating over $3 million dollars to Susan G Komen for the Cure.

Since 1999, Zeta Tau Alpha alumnae and collegiate members have worked with 23 of the 32 NFL teams to increase awareness of breast cancer at professional football games. ZTA also recently secured a partnership with the National Football League itself. Beginning with the Washington Redskins, over the past 10 seasons, Zetas have helped spread the message of breast cancer awareness to over a million football fans across the country.

To help further promote healthy lifestyles among its members, ZTA partners with SELF magazine’s annual SELF Challenge. All ZTA members are encouraged to join the program which promotes healthy eating and physical activity. Each year, SELF donates up to $3,000 in the name of the ZTA chapter with the most Challenge participants. As an added benefit membership, each collegiate Zeta receives a complimentary subscription to SELF, including its annual Women’s Breast Cancer Handbook.
Doing Susan G Komen's race for the cure and donating money for breast cancer research should be a must on every woman's to-do list. We are all at risk and by being involved in simple events such as Race for the Cure or even making purchases of any of the products below, will mak
e us one step closer to the cure.

Here's just a FEW merchant lines who have offered to donated thousands of dollars from these product purchases. Do your part. Help find a CURE.
How will you help find a cure? It could be YOUR grandmother, YOUR mother, YOUR sister, or even YOU. Start today.

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