It was a wonderful birthday weekend! I knew that the hubs was leaving me on my birthday {sigh} for his annual hunting trip to Alabama. Like I said he made it up to me by taking me out last weekend AND giving me a little shopping money for my girls weekend. Woohoo! So yes, you have your pass to go Chad. Yes, please, and thank you. His hobby is hunting. Mine is shopping.
I was sad but at the same time so glad I wouldn't have to be by myself at home all weekend. One of my besties/college roomies/sorority sisters came up on Thursday and brought our other friend Heather from North Myrtle Beach. We had plans to all go to market together/Atlanta for a quick overnight trip.
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THROWBACK: Me and Cam the Spring I opened Sugar in 2008! |
So like I said, Thursday (my actual birthday) was a great day. Yes, I had to work {and yes I missed my hubs} but I shared cupcakes with customers, gave them free gifts with purchase and that is my favorite thing to do - share the love on my birthday. It's what makes it even sweeter.
Oh and these two little bundles of joy made it extra sweet too!
I came home to the cutest sign (finally covering up that hideous artwork a la daddy) and lots of gifts, cards, and dinner made by my mom. My sister came over too and brought cupcakes for dessert so it was a fun girls dinner + the boys!
The next day around noon our other friend Beth, from Greenville, met us after working half day and we all three headed to Atlanta to AmericasMart. It was gift market and I needed to order a few of my gifty lines for Sugar. All of the Lilly Pulitzer Spring gift items from Lifeguard Press looked amazing. I mean, those pillows!? Adorable and super affordable.
We didn't finish up at mart until close to 8pm, then we headed out to Buckhead to stay at the Westin! We ended up having dinner at The Palm inside the Westin (for convenience and because we were starving) and it was AMAZING. So good.
I'm still sad we didn't get a pic of ALL of us! #squad
The next morning the rain had cleared up and it was a gorgeous Saturday!
We headed next door to Lenox Square Mall for lunch at Cheesecake Factory and lots of shopping!
I snagged even more deals at Vineyard Vines (they are having their extra 50% off sale items and I've placed two orders online + shopped in store so yeah DONE. So much for saving this year. Sheesh. Birthday month doesn't count but then again I end up only buying for my boys sooooooo....
I did, however, snag a new Aiden & Ani bracelet to add to my collection. The Queen's Crown bracelet = goddess. power. light. Uhhh yeayuh. It's perfect and legit the only thing I bought myself all weekend besides a cute Julie Brown coat on the sample floor at market and entirely too much food + cupcakes.
After lunch and shopping, it was time for cupcakes. I was so excited to finally try out Sprinkles for the first time. I got the sprinkles cupcake {funfetti cupcake with vanilla icing and sprinkles on top. duh, only fitting} and it was fabulous. I could barely eat the entire cupcake, it was so sweet and rich. Delicious!
Obligatory pic by the cupcake ATM.
We hit up a few shops around Phipps {Oh wait, I did get a Show Me Your Mumu caftan on sale at Swank. Nevermind. I lied...and again, birthday weekends don't count. Back to saving on Monday...and eating better...maybe} and then scooted home because I was dying to see my boys!!!!!
This pic cracks me up. He may be 3.5 years younger but he can already take down his big brother...
We ended up having a "pajama party" Saturday evening (because we were all so tired from staying out so late) and also LOTS of delirious laughs. Cade "partied" with us til' nearly 11:30pm. OMG.
Sunday we took friends over to Sugar and my mom// Charles met us over there so we could finally get the Christmas trees out of my back room/office. The boys had fun as always...
We joked that daddy better hurry home from Bama soon because the boys were loving Sugar just a liiiitle bit too much! Charlie has been sitting up so well and even doing an "army crawl". He is so strong and whenever he sees something he wants, he definitely does whatever it takes to get it. A determined little booger, to say the least.
I ended the weekend last night with extra snuggles with my boys since daddy isn't coming home until today. I enjoyed even MORE cupcakes last night from Beth. It's kinda tradition we get each other Strossners cupcakes! So yes, DIET begins today (well, just eating better and not eating cupcakes at every meal. That. My philosophy: Life is short. Eat the dessert.)
Thankful for another sweet year and sweet birthday celebration!!
My friends, family, and husband are THE sweetest. Seriously. Couldn't do life without em'
My friends, family, and husband are THE sweetest. Seriously. Couldn't do life without em'
Happy Monday y'all!
What a fun birthday, and makes me miss Atlanta just a tiny bit! :)